Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm Not Sad To See Her Gone...

I have to say that I've been introduced to morning musume late (or early considering I'm 17). I don't recall how it happened or what the line-up was, but Koharu has never been my favorite.
I don't find her that interesting, and her personality rubs me the wrong way. My favorite thing to come out of Koharu was some of her solo songs. However, I'm generally not really satisfied with the current members.
I have hope that this means there will be another audition, with hopefully more than one new member. My other hope (which will not likely come true) is that the lines will be more evenly distributed between the members. I love Reina, and Ai is fine (getting sick of her always at the front), but I want to see more of everyone else. I will talk more about this in other posts.
I wish her the best, but morning musume NEEDS to change.
(* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ マタネー♪

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