Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SHOCK! not really

I shouldn't be surprised that the PV basically is Airi, with the rest of C-ute as back ups. C-ute was the last main Hello Project group that I have learned to love. I have enjoyed their past hits, but I never paid to much attention. This is the beginning of me following the group, so don't get upset if I say something wrong. I L-O-V-E Maimi's short hair. I also like this line-up.
After watching the PV, my reaction was...okay. I love the members, except one I can live without, and the outfits. However, the song and everything else was average. Did anyone else think that the close-ups either made the girls look weird, or were just awkward?
Here is the problem with Hello Project, they forgot how to share the love. Most of the PVs feature a couple of members of any group. These days it is all about favoritism. I feel like they went back to the days where Nacchi was the lead singer of morning musume, and everyone else was back up. I want to return to the days where morning musume was bigger, and found a way to feature the old and new members. Here is an example:

Since this post was mostly about C-ute's new PV, here it is:

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