Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Dramas to Watch: Asuko March!

This is not going to become a frequent series, and for that I'm sorry.  The good thing is that I will only bring it up when there is a drama I'm crazy about, so only good suggestions from Mina.  I know Claire likes dramas so I could possibly harass her to write something for once.  (I'm just teasing Claire, not like she checks this at all, I guess one of us has to have a life.)  This new post came about because I'm not in the mood to study for my next final exam yet (I have till Tuesday), and I was in the mood to rewatch Kimi wa Petto or Jotei.  Oh by the way, Majisuka Gakuen 2 is still be awesome and this is the best place to check for subtitles to download.  If you are looking for other series, check out my drama recommendation series (the most popular one, I believe, is still on the side bar).  I was thrilled to see two of my favorite new actresses are starring.  Anyway, the first two episodes are up for Asuko March! so let's get to the premise and my thoughts!

Asuko March! is based off a manga of the same name, which follows Yoshino Nao (Takei Emi) as she enters her first year at a technical high school.  She made an error filling out the forms to her entrance exam, so she failed and was not able to enter the local girls' school.  (Make sure you always double check you put the write exam type!!!)  She is your typical high school girl so she doesn't care for being one of the only three girls in her entire class, the dirt, and all the rebellious men.  I'm sorry, but you will have to suffer her being weak and complaining about everything.  However, she starts to mend her ways, kind of, before the end of the first episode.

This show reminds me a bit of Hana Kimi, don't get too excited because I don't want to get disappointed, the reason is because it feels like one girl surrounded by guys.  And of course there is at least one love trian. . . shape.  The main romantic conflict is Nao is liked by both Arito, who was once a child star and now works as a host, and Makoto, a poor guy who works hard at his part time job to try help feed his family.  Makoto is, at least for now, shy about his feelings but I'm confident that they're there.  Then there is Momo, another first year female student but in a different class, who has strong, possessive, manipulative, dirty dirty. . . oh sorry I'm back, feelings for Arito.  Nao has a growing, question mark, friendship for Makoto and she is soft on him, but they tend to fight (it is Makoto's fault).  But, she can not help but be entranced by Arito's (oh my god gyu!) presence.  Then there is the nerd who I can not quite peg yet.  Is he just a jerk, or is it because he has creepy, stalker feelings for Nao.  Only on the second episode right now, but I sense it will be evil stalker option.

There are, as expected, adorable/ funny side characters (like her grandpa and the boys in her class).  Don't be deceived, this isn't just some light romantic comedy.  It already has a biased towards the blue-collar workers, and anti-consumer, youth culture.  At one point I suspected the (WWII) government might be behind it, but that is just a conspiracy theory.  Japan has an issue with young people using all their money on goods and other problems that consumer-cultures have.  That might not be the only social issue this program might tackle.  I hope we see Nao become just as good as the guys, defying the feminine stereotype and social convention.  Guess we will have to wait and see. . .

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