Saturday, September 3, 2011

PV Reviews 110903

This is pretty good quality considering what it is for.  It is a bit dull.  I mostly watched this just because Yui from YuiKaori is in the video.

This video is disappointing after their last couple PVs that they released.  It is a typical, low quality, idol PV.  

This is basically footage from the album photo-shoot, the Mr. Simple MV making of, and their tour.  It is good, but I would of preferred a dance shot because of the strong wall of sound that this song is.

This looks like something any one can pull off with the right equipment.  I've seen better quality YouTube videos.  BiS made a video with a bunch of cellphones and it was something I enjoyed as much as the large production PVs.

I like this PV.  The use of colors and basic, fun patterns combined with the other elements (like the extras) make for a playful video.  They use some cool pans and angles.  

I adore the stylish style of this video.  The stop motion and comic produces a fun and entertaining video.  It looks like a video you and your friends could make (while lubricated) with better production quality.  

I do like the concept and the return to fun PVs.  The close ups look spectacular.  I however disapprove of the dance shot.  The CGI isn't used effectively.  It looks both basic and overdone at the same time.  The universe shot is better, but I don't love it.  The outfits are cool for the most part but I don't think it is flattering on all the girls.  Takahashi's doesn't suit her in my opinion.  I also dislike the choreography.  It reminds me of the bland dance section AKB did in Flying Get, but I like the rest of AKB's dancing with their microphones.  I don't like the fact that they are dancing in a line.  I like to be impressed by formations and how they transition between them.  Theirs just looks lazy.  Unfortunately the main shot is the dance shot.  

This is like a better version of their PV for Anime Expo.  The stop motion and bright colors if fun.  The costumes reminds me older Morning Musume videos.  It is odd at parts that I don't even try to figure out like PONPONPON.  I don't like the far-away shot in the clouds with members clumped together.  It lacks a focus.   

I've reviewed the preview, but they added in some cool behind the scenes shots at the beginning.  After watching Morning Musume's PV I have to compliment them for their choreography.  It isn't even that difficult, but combined with their strong dancing abilities and formations it is the best part of the video.  Good, considering this video is mostly dance shots.  I don't love the zoom in single shots of the various girls.  It seems stiff at times.  The center is good in her close-ups.  I have to mention the fact that I hate that these groups exist: one girl singing in what they call a girl group.  I want them all to sing or it is a solo artist with back up dancers!   

Part of me wishes that this whole video was Ayu singing in the profile-close up.  It is just the preview so maybe they'll do some other interesting shots besides them zooming past people.  (I'm only going to review some of the previews Ayu released.)  

The guy in drag sining to her is kind of awkward, but I like the group shot of her singing among half-naked guys.  

I love the simplistic beauty of this PV.

I can't even tell if she is in the Happy Girl Project or in Hello Project.  This video is just vanilla, which is sad after hearing that she has a strong voice.  This isn't going to help her be successful.  Mano Erina is way more intriguing than her. 

NOOOO!  A whole entire cat girl video?  Really?  I like the song, but the video makes me think the girls are cheap.  AKB48's was only a segment and was playful.  This is just annoying like girls on halloween who dress up in sexy clothes and just add animal ears and more make-up.  

Are they all seducing the same guy?  They should of cast some other guys for more man candy.  I like how they messed with the traditional dance shot, which looks more like they are performing at a club.  

Too much guy-liner for me (emokid *cough cough ; ).  The choreography is wonderful.  I don't get the winter theme.  Is it the lyrics?  Oh. . . they are saying they are so hot that they make ice melt in winter right?  The close up shots are meh.  I like a couple like the one with diagonal lines of light.  Besides the dance shots there isn't much worth watching.  

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