Sunday, January 31, 2010

Upcoming Morning Musume Appearances

Morning Musume will be appearing on:
Utaban 2/2
Music Fighter 2/12
Chinese TV show 2/14

Random Image of the Day

Kamei Eri is a member of Morning Musume.

New Morning Musume PV

Onna ga Medatte naze Ikenai:

I knew it was a matter of days, I had a feeling this morning that it would be out. They tend to have the PV out before appearing on any TV programs.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

AKB48 Performances

I thought I would put up some of my favorite AKB48 performances. I couldn't decide my all time favs, so I picked ones that I will love forever, and were not any of their singles either.


Darui Kanji

Blue Rose

Mano Erina's New PV

Haru no Arashi PV:

Random Image of the Day

Risako Sugaya from Berryz Koubou


Happy Birthday LUKA!

Now it's Luka's Birthday!
Luka released on January 30th last year so it's her 1st birthday!
Since it's her birthday, I'll give you recommendation of Luka's songs.
And also I have a special gift for Luka!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

AKB48 and H!P (Part 5)

Atsuko Maeda and Natsumi Abe: They are their perspective star/lead idols. They both have been at the front since the beginning. They can be sexy in swimwear, or elegant in a dress. They just remind me of each other. Atsuko could also match Aya, but I still think Oshima is a better match.

Tomomi Kasai and Rika Ishikawa: They are the beauties, with strong 'charming' qualities. Both of them are quite feminine, but don't cross their path because they tend to play the villains!

Sayaka Akimoto and Hitomi Yoshizawa: Here are the official tomboys. They do have their moments of being cute, but their humor tends to break the moment. Also, they both have a knack for the rock songs.

Minami Takahashi and Ai Takahashi: People will likely fight me on this. They are not relatable by their looks. Minami and Ai are both leads of their groups. They both have strong vocals, which they tend to show off in solo ballads. They do have the same last name. Besides that, they have an odd-ball personality that pops out. I am not a fan of either. They both seem on the dull side, but they do have their moments. They just don't inspire me, but they don't get on my nerves either.

AKB48 Members for H!P Fans (Part 4)

Rumi Yonezawa and Yui Okada

I could do these all in one big post, but I'm unsure on some. I am not very familiar with all of the AKB48 members. Here is two based mainly on looks. You can comment if you think they have nothing in common, but when I saw Rumi's picture I automatically thought of Yui. Here is another idol match that is based on appearance:

Haruka Nakagawa and Saki Ogawa

AKB48 for H!P Wota (Part 3)

Yuko Oshima and Aya Matsuura: They can be funny, cute, pretty, sexy, and can transform into a badass.

Morning Musume's New PV CM

Random Image of the Day

Konno (KonKon) Asami

AKB48 and H!P (Part 2)

Sae Miyazawa and Makoto Ogawa: They are the genki members. They don't play the typical characters. Sae and Ogawa tend to be a bit boyish, but both are hilarous!

AKB48 Members for H!P Fans (Part 1)

AKB48 is the new hit idol group, and many Hello Project fans are either turning coats for a new beginning, or have joined AKB48 with H!P in their fandom universe. Unfortunatley, there are 48 members in AKB alone. It can be difficult to learn all the members names and personalities. Here is my first introduction for transfer wotas.

Relatable Members: There are plenty of examples of AKB48 members who are similar to H!P idols.

Tomomi Itano and Reina Tanaka
They are both sexy, cute, and loaded with Gyaru personality.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

AKB48 Perf of Majisuka Gakuen OP+ JDrama Update

You can also download the episodes of Majisuka Gakuen with English subtitles here:

You can watch episodes of HanbunEsper with English subtitles here:

If you prefer torrents:

H!P Revival Project (Part 2)

The whole responsibility of keeping Hello Project alive is falling on one group: Berryz Koubou.

The other key groups: Morning Musume and C-ute both still are releasing hit singles, but we all know that they are heading in the wrong direction. Both idol groups are being cursed with extreme member favortism.

C-ute: It is obvious after their release of Shock that Airi will continue to be the star, but more so. The other members barely sing, and they don't really have any lines to themselves. Idol groups always push more lines towards the more popular members, but lines tend to be distributed to the other members as well. In Shock, even Miami didn't get any lines to herself. C-ute's members have been dropping, and they are not to add any members like Morning Musume or AKB48. C-ute showed promise to pick up Morning Musume's slack, but there is no chance of that now.

Berryz Koubou: They just released two spectacular singles, and they have multiple great idols. They do focus on a couple of girls more than the rest, but they still pass on some of the lines.

Morning Musume: Morning Musume has the same problem as C-ute and Berryz, but now their singles are lacking too. In their last single they sounded like a bunch of chipmunks. (I did like it in terms of the focal point, and you know what I'm talking about.) I hope Tsunku will pump life back into their veins. Their next PV could be hit or miss based on what I've seen so far. The fact that they are going to be a guest on Utaban could also be here or there. This could promote each girl and the group as a whole, or it can be dull like the last couple of times they showed up.

Random Image of the Day


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Watch Musix 2002.11.19 Gomattou [sub] in Entertainment  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Why Ayaya is a BadAss

Watch Matsuura Aya - Music Fighter 20050909 in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at
4:56 (she talks about her parents)

LOLSUBS are back!

Wotaku Now! is a blog that I follow, and he puts out LOLsubs. The first one was Berry Koubou in their blue-spandex outfits on a kids tv show. There were references to suicide and pedo-thoughts. I enjoyed it very much. Unfortunately, YouTube took it down. Now he has a new one up, and it is just as amazing.

Morning Musume on Utaban!

Morning Musume will make an appearance on Utaban (2/2)! They typically have a new PV out and they perform it, so this might also be a sign of when the next PV will be out by. (long sentence) Anyway, I'm going to hope for the best. If they get ignored then hopefully there will be an appearance by the OG (old generation/ old favs of the graduated members). The last couple of episodes have not been too good, but that was because the staff and hosts found the members dull. I hope Morning Musume will liven up for this.

If you are wondering why this is so important, then you need to start watching these old utaban episodes ( Both Utaban and Morning Musume have built themselves off each other. Morning Musume brought up Utabans ratings, and Morning Musume became a hit. They would show up multiple times for just one single. Here is a bit more about their relationship (and where I snagged the pics):

New PV!!!!!

News, news, news! There are so many new releases coming out now or in the near future, so I am just going to do it a couple big posts. I have personally discovered so many other idol groups that it is overwhelming. I am not going to introduce them because I will likely make a mistake, just see wiki.

There is a reason I do 'random image of the day'. I do it because people enjoy, me too, pictures. Then it is also useful to inform. I mentioned them before in RIOTD.
S.O.W - Sense Of Wonder PV

Next is something I am not at all familiar with. This new PV is something else.
中野腐女子シスターズ『Honey Bee~』PV

A new rock-focused idol group, not an actual new group just a new one to me.

(Sorry about sizing problems)

I posted the preview a while back, but I thought I would put up the full PV too.
Our Songs PV

Random Image of the Day

She went from cute and funny to sexy badass!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Made In... Computer

These are just some pictures I made with either photoshop or illustrator. I made these for a computer art class.

Look What I Got!

I bought some Japanese films that are hard to come by, streaming online with English subtitles. I got them at a good price in only two-three days.

Random Image of the Day

I've had photobooks on the brain for some time now, so I thought I should do some for the RIOTD. This is from Yuko's new pb.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

(Belated) RIP Coconuts

(None of them are dead) I picked out my favorite pvs from Coconuts Musume.

The End of My Update on Coconuts

I looked up the other two members...

Chelsea Ching is still in Hawaii, but she is a hardcore model ( I never was that into her. She seemed stuck up, but she did have a natural model body. I didn't think she was that pretty.

I couldn't find anything new on April. It is too bad because I didn't want to see her go. (RIP)

PS: I don't think she is dead, but she is as good as dead according to google.

Personal Info Update

I got in to Twin-Cities and UW-Madison. I also applied, regular decision, to Carleton, Smith, and Middlebury. I won't hear back from them until sometime in April, but I will let you guys know my final pick.

I Am Such A CREEPER!!!

So, in my last post I talked about finding Mika's myspace page, she is in LA by the way (and she took a trip to Miami). This got me really excited, so I started looking up the rest of the four. (There have been more than four, but they were the main members.) Ayaka is in Japan, married I believe, and she is acting. I swear I saw her in a drama, but she was only there for a sec. Now the great thing about this is after they graduate most of the girls fall off the idol radar.

I Found DANIELLE! on myspace too. She is in London, and she doesn't have her pictures on private like Mika. She has some of her songs on there too.

Lehua is a bit harder to find. I didn't find a myspace page, but I found a bit of news. She is married and lives in Hawaii. She married a surfer! She won Mrs. Hawaii! Here is a news link:

I also found out that they were looking for a fifth member, but didn't find one. I found it in the Honolulu Star:

I Found MIKA!!!

Mika Todd is an ex-Mini Moni and Coconut Musume member. I was looking around on google, for fun, searching for different Coconut members. I found her myspace page! Now if you want you can totally creep on her. I am considering trying to hack back on to my old myspace account just to say hi!


Goto Maki's mother passed away. Here is the full story:

Random Image of the Day

This is a screenshot from the second episode of AKB48's Majisuka Gakuen. There are three already out. I know there are subs out there, but I can only find streaming videos with Spanish subs. The fourth episode is going to feature some of the girls as evil lolita! I can't wait. By the way, new episodes come out on Fridays.
(Hint: there is someone on YouTube that uploads the raw eps)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Global Idoling ☆

If you have not heard of or been following the ___48 exporting news, you can read about it at anime news network (akb48 idol group gets spinoff offers in 6 countries). The basics is that a number of companies want to adopt Akimoto's AKB48 concept. So far there are six different countries. I've heard about Thailand, Singapore, China, and Italy.

This got me thinking. If this expands to most major countries, just think what current idol photobook would you buy? For example, in the UK there is a popular TV show called Skins. The whole cast could have their own.

I would buy Kathryn Prescott's photobook, they could even make it a double photobook since she has a twin sister. (She is the one with the red hair.)
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