Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why Does Mina Think She Is Better Than Everyone Else?

Ok, that is a lie, but it got your attention right?  I am working on a video project for Japanese class, and it is still loading stuff so I got some free time (that I should be using to study).  Anyway, this issue of prejudice or something keeps coming up recently.  I read one post explaining why some Japanese people ostracize otaku in Japan.  Then, I had lunch with a friend who is half Japanese about various things including how we both look down on otaku.  I also read a post that again made me look down on people.  Now I know I have this opinion, but I am not completely sure as to why.  Let's start with my stronger opinion: otaku.

Oh, So You're An Otaku. . .
I have friends who are otaku, and when it comes to them and anime I think 'oh silly otaku'.  In Japanese class, I find it a bit, annoying might not be the word, but I dislike the fact that the majority of the class (who are not foreign students from China or Korea) are otaku.  Now, I have my obsession, but it is music, fashion, and other parts of pop-culture.  I like manga and anime.  I grew up on anime, on accident, and at one time you probably consider me an otaku.  Actually, while I do like idols, I guess I am normal if I was Japanese.  I like movies, various artists, dramas, manga, anime, fashion that come from Japan.  Now, I also hate it when people assume that I'll like something just because it looks Asian/ Japanese (family).  Pretty much anything looks asian are acceptable gifts for me.  Sorry, I got off topic.

I don't understand the psychology behind me looking down otaku. . . maybe because often they are odd by general standards (like wearing the same three pairs of sweatpants and t-shirts).  Or the fact that none of them are familiar with Japanese music unless it was in an anime.  I didn't find it bothersome when I went with friends to an anime convention.  I didn't go with them to meet the voices of certain anime characters, but I had fun dressing up and watching anime.

One reasoning may be with my idea that I should make a good impression, and represent the United States in a good light.  Imagine all these otaku going to Japan, where otaku are already looked down on. There are tons of socially capable(?) people who are otaku.  I am not concerned about them, because most Japanese people enjoy anime and manga.  I am bothered by the ones who don't know how to socially interact and don't care about how they present themselves.  There is a fine line between being yourself and not caring for personal presentation and behavior.

This expands to wota and just people in general.  Don't act like you know everything.  If you are going to dress like a slob (when you aren't sick or not during exams) then expect that people will judge you for it.  If you don't know how to interact with people, expect that you won't have many friends.  I guess this isn't an otaku problem, like how a square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares.  I just wanted to rant about this.

Disclaimer: I don't want to be mean, and I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings.  I don't like being mean and I try to never to say a cruel thing to someone.  I don't approve of bullying or people being mean to others.  (Like how I got upset when someone said a member of AKB, who I don't care about, is a brat because she cried.  You don't know her or understand her feelings.  You can have that opinion that she seems to be a brat, but you should one not say it as a fact, and two try to be more considerate of other people feeling's.)    On a positive note, relating to this subject, I need to figure out what I should wear to impress AKB.  Oh, if anyone has a theory or thought on this topic please share.

Further Study
There was a late-night drama that just got uploaded, with subs, onto Drama Crazy.  Moteki, based on a manga, is about an otaku who has a period of popularity with women.  While part of me feels bad for him because some of these girls take advantage/ treat him poorly, he ruins this as soon as I hear his thoughts.  If he doesn't enjoy something, like karaoke with his friends, he thinks they should all die.  He always goes after pretty girls.  Anyway, it is interesting (and the author/ manga artist doesn't let him get away with being a jerk).  

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