Friday, April 1, 2011

My new Phone and notes.

Rather than do a more standard listing and explanation of favorite songs, I thought I'd talk about my new phone. I'm not a techno geek. I am competent with a computer, know how to torrent, and skilled in on-line legal research, but I refuse to text. I have no interest in having a phone that is really a mini computer, unless it is big enough to word process. When that happens, we can talk about it. Generally I am a late adapter to new technology. By the time I make any switch, the cost is usually reasonable and the format war has been won and lost.

It should be clear my new phone is not an iPhone. A few weeks ago I dropped my old phone and it flew apart into four pieces. Fascinatingly it still worked if I held it together. I had had the phone for three years and it was my first personal mobile phone (this should indicate how late I am to adapt). So I purchased a new phone that was as similar to my old one as I could possibly manage. Excitingly, I found this phone had the memory space for six songs and some pictures. I could also place a video on it, but I haven't bothered to look up what format the phone will work with.

So, what six songs did I choose to carry with me when I need that little bit of joy to brighten my day. Here they are in the order they appear on my phone (which I think ordered them on its own alphabetically):

Beginner. This is just a nice rocking song. It was added mostly as an alternative to the sickly sweet songs that make up the remaining tunes. It gives me more cover when I am accused of being a girl.

Chance no Junban.
This is the lead song for the greatest single ever by AKB48. The single, taken as a whole, has some of my most favorite songs in the three versions. This song has to be here because it is the only song I know of where Uchida Mayumi, the rock-scissors-paper champion of the universe, is the lead.

Kurumi to dialogue. This song provides the music for the best AKB48 pv ever. While the song is excellent in and of itself, I would put the pv on my phone if I could figure that out. The video was inexpensively made, but creatively tells a story of internal conflict and human duality with stark but effective visuals and one beautiful dance. This pv makes it clear why Maeda Atsuko is the unofficial front for AKB48 so often as her presence dominates the performance. The pv also made me notice how freaking sexy Shashihara Rino could be. This video is the best- good imaginative story telling done with talent and creativity on a low budget.

Majisuka Rock'n'Roll. This was my first favorite song by AKB48 as it is the theme song for the greatest television program ever created by humanity- Majisuka Gakuen. It also helps me appear less girly.

Team B Oshi. This song is just sweet fun. How can one pass up a song where “meow meow meow” is part of the lyrics in the middle. I was pleasantly surprised to find it named number five in this year's best selection vote. A wonderfully sweet song.

Valentine Kiss.
This is from the sub group Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 (Corridor Running Team 7) and is perhaps the most sickly sweet song ever recorded. I am pretty certain the single of this version of the song comes with a warning that prolonged exposure will cause adult onset diabetes and other disorders related to high blood sugar content. Whenever I feel gloomy, I either listen to this song or watch one of the variants of the video and I remember there is such a divine beauty as Watanabe Mayu in this world. The song is also beautiful on its own. I wish all the people fighting around the world could just put their weapons down and listen to this song together. I don't think anyone but the most repressed Christian homophobes would be able to watch the ladies of Corridor Running Team 7 dance and sing without feeling the love and solidarity of the entire human community.

As to the pictures, they are mixed in above. One of Mayuyu as Nezumi and another of her in her Valentine Kiss uniform. I was never one for uniforms until I got into AKB48. I think I am beginning to understand the alleged prevalence of uniform fetish in Japanese males. The uniform adds power and strength to the presentation. Our idols should be centers of power and strength, like the goddesses of AKB48.

An now for something completely different:

I just read Mina's latest posts. First I want to thank everyone who voted for us in the International Wota elections. It is quite an honor to win my first prize for writing. Thank you very much everyone!

It should be obvious who Mina should vote for in the upcoming election- Watanabe Mayu. She is my God and she should be worshiped by all. Vote for Mayuyu because it is the right thing to do.

As this will be my first time voting, I think I may vote twice. Once for Mayuyu and another for the Janken champion of the Universe, Uchida Mayumi. Believe it or not I wrote my only fan letter (thus far) to Uchida Mayumi. As I am in first year Japanese I am sure it looks like a six year old put it together. I included what I tried to say in English as well.

Anyway, my only dream involving AKB48 members (I had a strange dream recently about being in the theater that made little sense) was with Akimoto Sayaka and involved some very PG-13 kissing. We talked some first, but I don't remember what that was about.

In any event, everyone should thank Mina for hosting such a great blog and then get out there and vote for Mayuyu over and over. Remember she loves even the smallest parts of you.

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