Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mina's Stand Out Songs of 2011

I decided to do my own twist on 'The Best of 2011' list.  I've broken it down to two categories.  The songs that I found most addictive and the ones the grabbed me (had that little something extra).  I need some more time to consider my favorite list for this year, but you'll probably see some overlap from both lists.  Each list started with twenty songs and then whittled down, so artists like Arashi got cut.  

The Most Addictive Songs:
1. オーマイゴースト?〜わたしが悪霊になっても〜 (私立恵比寿中学)
2. Roly Poly (T-ara)
3. ミライボウル (ももいろクローバー)
4. Step (Kara)
5. Everyday、カチューシャ (AKB48)
6. Beautiful Target (B1A4)
7. G.D.M (M.I.B.)
8. Bubble Pop (Hyuna)
9. Don't Spray Perfume (Teen Top)
10. Sexy, Honey, Bunny! (V6)
Runners Up - More Kiss(Fairies) / PONPONPON(きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ) /
OVER(Hey! Say! JUMP)
The Biggest Stand-Out Tracks:
1. ふいに (板野友美)
2. Hey和 (ゆず)
3. これからWonderland (AKB48)
4. Opera (Super Junior)
5. 風は吹いている (AKB48)
6. Chai Maxx (ももいろクローバー)
7. Time (Kinki Kids)
8. 地下水道 (DiVA)
9. ゼロサム太陽 (チームK)
10. Love Like Candy Floss (東京女子流)
11. 奇跡は夜生まれる (高橋みなみ)
12. Ultimate Wheels (KAT-TUN)
13. Limited addiction (東京女子流)
14. 頬杖とカフェ・マキアート (前田敦子)
15. ひみつ (YUKI)

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