Friday, December 23, 2011

Why SDN48 'Failed'

No matter how much fans, myself included, complain about Akimoto, I think we all know he is brilliant.  So when I heard he was planning to disband SDN48 I was disappointed, but I trust his judgement.  He gave AKB48 an end date too, therefore I don't think it is only money on his mind.  I think he wants to have some quality; he does write all of their lyrics.  We can then look past the fact that they were doing fine sales-wise.  My guess is that he didn't see them going anywhere.  We can clearly see SKE and NMB's sales increasing.  However, I blame the not as stellar sales on the production of the group.  AKB48 is popular because it is liked by both men and women and from a variety of age groups.  AKB was a conversation starter for me when talking to Japanese people.  (When a maid was leading me to the cafe we talked about AKB48 and our oshi.)  It is obvious that this group is not targeted towards a female audience.  Let's take a look at their last single.  It is some women in sexy outfits surrounding some old guy like this is a hostess club.  I'm not going to buy that.  I don't care how much I like this group; this is by far the worst single they've put out.  The PV preview from AKBingo! disgusted me so much I didn't watch the whole thing.  Not even if Cindy was the center would I grab a copy.

I thought a more adult girl group was a wonderful concept.  For one it pushes the age boundary for women in the entertainment industry.  I did really enjoy all of their singles thus far.  (The B-sides were sometimes a bit much.)  I definitely liked their stage. They were, unfortunately, pushed as an adult (wink, wink) group.  They appeared in lingerie or naked a lot, which isn't wrong in itself it is how it is done.  Plus, don't do it that much.  Keep it classy because it is coming off a bit desperate.

All I wanted was a single of them just having fun and not being overtly sexual.  You can be sexy without being in my face about it.  Don't take it personally, Hyuna sucks balls at it.  You were funny and playful about it (the whole elbow thing was nice).  They could of done something like Perfume: them just walking about in fashionable attire.  They could of done an OL PV.  A pervert gives a little love tap on one of their butts at work, she punches him in the face, and they break out in song.  The girls can be funny, cute, or sexy. WHY!  I would of just upped and quit as soon as I heard the concept of this upcoming single.  These girls could of attracted a way hotter guy than that, besides why can't each of them have a harem of sexy male strippers?

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