Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hopes, Fears, and Predictions for 2012

This is going to be a strange and fascinating year. Before it has even started, it is apparent that many more will find their proper place in the universe- living to bring the reason for creation, Watanabe Mayu, more happiness. I am not going to waste time arguing what is obvious to all who are open to love in their heart- that Watanabe Mayu is God and the only reason the universe exists- but I am instead going to discuss how this coming year will be the year record numbers come to love her as she loves all of us.

February 29, 2012 will mark the debut of Watanabe Mayu as a solo artist. This monumental event of human history is even more rare and certainly much more significant than the leap year it falls on. The a-side of the single release in question relates to another monumentally significant event in human history- the debut of Watanabe Mayu as the lead actress in a drama. The song in question will be one of the songs for the upcoming 2012 drama. The world will have yet another opportunity to appreciate the beauty and perfection that is Watanabe Mayu.

2012 will also mark the debut of the AKB48 anime, AKB0048. Set in the distant future, the series will follow a group of idols, inspired by the work of the God Watanabe Mayu and the angels of AKB48, as they fight for the freedom and security of humanity. Humanity will again be blessed by another first for Watanabe Mayu. She will bless us with her work as a voice actress in an anime series. I am sure the series will provide us all with inspiration in our fight for a world based in love, justice, reason, and the worship of Watanabe Mayu.

With so many beautiful and amazing things happening in the life of Watanabe Mayu, my greatest pain is that I will not be able to return to Japan this summer. I have to take a class, Spanish for Graduate Students who don't want to learn a Language for their requirement (Spanish 4046), that is only offered this summer. This is because the history department feels my work in Japanese in no way relates to my degree in the legal history of American Indian religious freedom. To be fair, studying Japanese has nothing to do with my degree and everything to do with better understanding God.

Anyway, on to my my hopes, fears, and predictions.


I hope that all will open their hearts to love and accept the absurd beauty of AKB48 and the perfection of the divine Watanabe Mayu and elect her center by universal consent of the populace of the world.

I also hope that the Arab Spring and Occupy Wallstreet movements snowball into a worldwide anarcho-syndicalist revolution that places 48 member girl idol bands as the highest political authorities worldwide.


I fear not everyone will open their being to loving and serving Watanabe Mayu. That she has not yet been enthroned as supreme ruler of the universe is symptomatic of human imperfection, rather than any failing with the blessed Mayuyu.

I also fear I will come to love SKE48 more than I love AKB48. This is really troubling me lately. I am finding the more recent SKE48 songs have excited me much more than recent AKB48 songs. With SKE48 now moving to become the queerest band ever with their first single of 2012, AKB48 really has some work to do. Fortunately AKB48 still has the divine and perfect Watanabe Mayu.


Even if the people of the earth fail to unite in peace and harmony behind Watanabe Mayu and AKB48, the world will be a little more beautiful and a little more peaceful for all their hard work.

SKE48 will become the queerest band ever.

Matsui Jurina of SKE48 will be caught dating a girl, and will claim she just loves to kiss pretty things, forgetting that the reason she finds girls so pretty is that she is gay and that when you go everywhere with someone and kiss them all the time- it means you are probably dating.

Kimoto Kanon of SKE48 will have a significantly expanded role in Majisuka Gakuen 3.

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