Wednesday, February 16, 2011

AKB 1/48 PSP Dating Sim: First Impression

I know this is coming extremely late, but I only just got the game and had time to play it.  (I shouldn't have because I have a Japanese exam tomorrow.)  My friend who is a NEWS fan (and is somewhat of a fan of Acchan from Q10) is on a date with Acchan right now because she already finished her homework.  She's been giggling.  Unlike my friend, who is in Japanese six, I am only in Japanese two which was my major problem playing this game.  Having knowledge of the Japanese language (especially since it is pretty much all dialogue) is key.  My weakness in Japanese caused me to reject my first target (Amina) and not reject one member I wanted out of the way (Harugon).  (Even though the whole article that published that said she was the most hated member by the staff and a diva was rumor, I am still concerned that actual staff informed the magazine.  My good impression of Harugon has been severely damaged.)
The first thing you can do is call any member you want, be careful about this.  If you have someone in mind I would highly recommend calling them first.  That brings me to another thing.  All you do is call members and then meet them; I found it two dimensional.  However, if you consider they are idols I doubt there would be any other way to meet up with them.  Oh, on a small note it includes a handful of their recent singles.  I thought that was nice and my next suggestion probably would take up too much disc space, but they could of used some of AKB48 other songs.
Lovetan was quite a tsundere, but so adorable! 
I discovered that the main concept can be a bit unsettling.  I could encourage and be nice to the members, but in the end I have to pick only one. . . that means I have to reject some.  It isn't that much fun.  One thing I thought was odd was that after dates random members, who I never went on dates with were no longer potential dates.  I don't know why it happens!  The mystery. . .  Although, it turns out the plot line changes a lot based on what you do.  For example, my friend is on a date with Haachan and apparently sick.  After about an hour and a half of straight play-time, I finally finished it.  My favorite part was the ending scene which was a video part.  I am curious to see what happens after you reject someone. . . does it restart or do I keep on playing?

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