Sunday, February 13, 2011

Greetings From Mina☆ + Single Reviews

I just noticed that I haven't been posting much for a little while, so I wanted to put something new up on the main page.  I don't have much time these days (and I have tests next week), so it'll just be a quick single review.  First off I want to fill you guys in on my change in musical taste as of late.  I've listened to AKB48 non-stop for a while so I am starting to get bored of listening to their discography.  I transferred my ears to the genki Momoiro Clover (I reordered their upcoming single) and SKE48 (I want their next single but I am saving my cash).  Thanks to a friend of mine, a raving Arashi fangirl, I found a place to get Arashi's past releases so I can be more familiar with them.  Their next single sounded good so I also reordered that.  I have two singles on their way besides those two (plus the AKB48 single will be shipped this week).  I wanted to wait till my orders came in because they were shipped over a week ago, but I did the cheap shipping option so I don't know how long to expect.  There are quite a few single downloads on the internet even before the releases.  I think this will be helpful for people deciding whether or not purchase it.

SKE48 - バンザイVenus
1. バンザイVenus
The main track is following the successful style of their last single.  An energetic, fun, 16-nin track.  It is pretty catchy (and I'm glad they are keeping up the good parts of their last single), but I don't find it as addicting as their last single.  
2. 愛の数 (Team KII)
I'm surprised that Team KII gets the coupling track.  It is similar to the title song, but it has a slower tempo to it.  However, I wouldn't classify it as a slow song.  It lacks anything that stands out.
3A. 卒業式の忘れもの (White Team)
The White Team continues their track record of vanilla songs.  It has the same issues as the coupling track, but the slower sections are a bit more interesting.
3B. 誰かのせいにはしない (Red Team)
Finally we get a song that stands a bit out from the rest.  It is nothing spectacular, but it is a darker dance track.  It reminds me of some stage songs (including a guitar solo and techno beat).    

Tokyo Girls' Style - Love Like Candy Floss
1. Love Like Candy Floss
I adore this single.  I was a fan for SweetS when I first got into J-Pop, and I think they did an excellent job with this cover.  
2. Kitto Wasurenai... ~Royal Mirror Mix~
I would rather hear the original of this song, but it is okay.  I feel like the beat is too overpowering.
3. Love Like Candy Floss ~Royal Mirror Mix~
I'm not impressed by using remixes for coupling tracks.  If this was a the states yes because coupling tracks aren't as important and singles are much cheaper in the US.  If I was in Japan, I would just download the title track.  Artists need to make it worthwhile these days to purchase a physical copy.  I don't like this remix.  It does what I would like to see in a remix: make a slow-tempo dance track higher.  I don't think it suits the song.

AKB48 - 桜の木になろう
1. 桜の木になろう
It is spring time once again and we have another ballad about sakura. While the concept is expected the song is beautiful and well done.  I don't care for the fact that most of the lines go to a few.  However, I adore Acchan's solo lines.  Combined with the PV this is a tear-jerker.
2. 偶然の十字路 (Undergirls)
Unlike most of the recent title songs that each seem to differ in style than the one before, the Undergirls continue to release the same product.  I don't mind.  I wonder when Akimoto will run out of catchy songs of this breed. 
3A. キスまで100マイル (MINT)
MINT has unexpectedly returned.  My theory is that they would make this an actual subunit if Acchan wasn't already overbooked.  At first I wasn't that thrilled by it.  But my opinion shifted from an uninterested to content when it reminded me of American '80s tunes.
3B. エリアK(DIVA)
Akimoto is trying to cheer us up for the title track with another light tune.  Like the other third track, this one became better once I recognized a familiar taste (in this case Koda Kumi).  This song isn't as good as DIVA's last song, but it a dance track which differs from the other songs included in this set.  I like when coupling tracks either take a similar style and twist it or offer variety.

Itano Tomomi - Dear J
1. Dear J
This was a smart debut solo song.  It matches her personality and fits the current trend of popular music (using techniques like auto-tune).  If this was just a one time thing or a tester to see how she would manage on her own it was a success.  
2A. Tunnel
If I had bought this single (which I last minute changed my mind), I would of been pleased to select this version.  It is hard to describe because it doesn't fit into my music vocabulary.  It is like her other coupling tracks and Dear J had a baby.  
2B. Stay by my side
This song also reminds me of music that could be released in the states.  I am not sure about her and ballads.  She can pull them off, but considering her unusual voice I don't know if I approve.
2C. Thank you
It would of been nice if this differed more from the other ballad-esque coupling track so that all three songs would be different.  I like how she says 'Thank you'.  Since this has a pretty quick tempo for a slow song I find that it complements her better than Stay by my side.

渡り廊下走りたい7 - Valentine Kiss
1. Valentine Kiss
This is also a wonderful cover.  My requirement for doing covers has been passed: they must offer something different/new, or be better.  It mostly sounds like the back-track has been updated, but it is good timing.
2. ソミソミラシラ
Does anyone like this song?  There are parts (towards the end) that I like, but the chorus and most of the verses don't have my approval.  
3A. パジャマドライブ [渡辺麻友・仲川遥香・菊地あやか・小森美香]
I guess Akimoto is also overworked.  One cover and two stage songs. . . I like this song and all but I think Mayu's other two stage units are better.  I also wish that Mayu wasn't included in all of the stage songs because she gets a solo.
3B. 初恋よ、こんにちは [渡辺麻友・多田愛佳・平嶋夏海・岩佐美咲]
I enjoyed this unit song very much so I am thrilled that they used this one.  
3C. 夕陽のいじわる [渡辺麻友]
This was a good solo song.  Meh.

フレンチ・キス - If
1. If
This is another well done release.  I adore it.
2A. 前を向いてる君
It is an okay coupling track that complements the main song.  It is a little on the dull side, but it is still a nice track.
2B. 沈黙 [柏木由紀]
This is a pretty ballad from Kashiwagi.  Out of the three it is the one I like the most.
2C. 口移しのチョコレート
Maybe Akimoto is trying to encourage people to go to stages or familiarizing those who don't follow stages with their other songs for concerts.  I love this unit, but I find that just adding in a stage song is disappointing.  Plus, there is some odd. . . something with Kashiwagi's voice about halfway through the song.

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