Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Recent Events in Madison, Wisconsin

I know this may not be that important to a lot of you, but I thought if I posted something about winning the Superbowl, this is just as worthy.  So, if this doesn't suit you for whatever reason you can skip past the jump where I have a funny YouTube video for you (it is unlisted so it'll be hard to find on your own).  It is pretty crazy over here, with walk-outs going on for the latter half of last week and people sleeping overnight at the capital.  Public schools in not just Madison, but also the surrounding area were closed for at least one day because so many teachers called in sick (so they could protest).  Professors have been commenting on the situation in class.  Some professors have canceled classes last week.  I've seen walk-out signs and posters all over campus.  The events going on around the Capital have made not only national, but international news.  I follow the BBC and there has been multiple articles there.  The Daily Show spent most of last night's episode talking about it, and Colbert mentioned that he will feature it tonight.  My Japanese TA showed us Japanese articles (including NHK) about the protests.  The union protests have even spread to Ohio and Indiana.  There are even people abroad sending protestors food:
"Attention Badgers, 
As students of UW ourselves, we are thrilled by the action at the Wisconsin capital over the past few days. With advocates on both sides of the aisle expressing their ideologies in peaceful and positive demonstrations, we are proud to be students and Madison residents at such a pivotal time. Watching as the events play out, we are truly honored to be part of the political process and witness democracy in action.  
We have been working closely with our restaurant partners in order to allow food to be delivered to the demonstrators at the Capitol. Today, we had customers from all 50 states, as well as out of country patrons from Norway, Denmark, and more, order food for the demonstrators. We have streamlined this process, as you can see on our homepage, and prepared restaurants who are willing to participate to deliver food to capital square. 
If you, or someone you know would like to feed the demonstrators at the capital, please visit badgerbites.com. Thank you for your interest in keeping Wisconsin great. We're as invested in the unfolding events as you are.  
-Your friends at BadgerBites "

Here is the special gift for those putting up with my non-idoly posts, just a lot of big things going on in my neck of the woods.

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