Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mina's Mass PV Reviews! + Update

SKE48 『バンザイVenus』

SKE48 バンザイVenus
Uploaded by masa37610. - See the latest featured music videos.
Update: Sorry I forgot one.
SKE48 may be cementing their own formula for singles: genki songs which include a dance section and tons of extras.  I am pleased to see chibi airi getting a good amount of screen time, and that SKE has done away with the small senbatsu for about 16 members.  The PV is a ton of fun and shows that you don't have to do a ton of editing to do a good job.  (There are adorable kids and old people.)  The song is okay.  I like genki songs, but I prefer their last single because it was catchy.  When I saw the PV preview for this I became attached, which proves that it completes its purpose.  Plus, you gotta wonder if all those extras are going to grab a copy.

You know how in the United States there is a belief that models shouldn't cross over to acting or singing because it usually doesn't go that well.  The song is pretty good, she looks great, sounds great, the whole PV looks amazing. . . BUT I don't like the way she is moving.  It looks odd to me, almost like she is posing.  I bet you can get a ton of awesome looking screenshots, but it is not fun to watch.  I just want her to stop moving or at least slow it down.  If they could fix that it would be an amazing PV.  I can't watch this.  Oh my god, right when it gets to the rock part and she squeals(?) she has this expressionless face.  I'm starting to get scared by her face, but she moves around like a preteen trying to act rock n'roll or cool.  That was a bit painful.
Here it comes!  I heard from my Arashi source that the limited edition sold out in three hours on CDJapan.  I even ordered a copy, but the regular edition was also out of first press copies by the time I got there.  (I was able to snag one of the last 14 copies of Momoclo's first press, RE copy of their next single.)  This is one of their serious songs so it sounds great, but it is no where as cracky as their happy songs (like Kitto daijoubu).  It might be a good thing considering their PV ballads have been boring as hell.  The dance-shot set looks cool, but I have no idea why there is a bird without a head.  I shouldn't watch this PVs because Johnny's PVs are amazing in comparison with H!P and is just going to piss me off at Tsunku more than I am.  I am impressed by their costumes.  Each one is different and stylish and provides lovely contrast to the sets.  Hehehehe, Junnifer and his lesbian hair-cut.  Nino does this Ahaaa thing and then just stops.  I just can't keep a serious face while watching these close up shots.  I don't care for the editing here.  The juxtaposing effect is oddly used here.  The effect suits the song, but they end up overlapping two images on top of each other which I don't care for.  I would of moved the second more to the side so it is less crammed together.  The way they have it now you can't see the first shot most of the time.  My favorite background set is the cherry blossom one.  And what is with the double members!  It is like they are singing to themselves alone in a room.  It is weird.  The song is spectacular except that one short line of Aiba's that is heavily auto-tuned.  I just don't understand why they did that.  Never do anything unless it improves the work.

The song as a whole is okay.  I think the verses are a bit meh, but I dig the chorus.  The PV has a great color palette and there is very little I would change.  I don't think the spinning segments are needed.  Towards the end where the backdrop is white and they are pretty drained of color (so they look like black figures) I would of edited it a little more just by cutting it differently.  During some parts they are doing who knows what and they walking towards the center (except the one shot of them alone raising her hand to catch something leave that as is), so by (don't know the best way to describe it) using smaller parts in the wrong order would be a nice effect that would make that part a bit more interesting.  So, still sucks to be a H!P idol.

Let me first say, I am not a Kat-tun fan.  Their music is pretty good, but the members don't do anything for me.  Jin was just a nice piece of ass (to me).  They are popular and an idol group so I thought to include them in my reviews.  I'll try to start including NEWS and Yamapi too.  I love this song.  I am a huge sucker for epic songs that include an orchestra.  I adore the concept of shadows and I think they did a spectacular job with it.  Okay, first problem might stem from the fact that I am not a fan of them as idols so the close up shots are not my favorite.  One of them looks stupid.  Some of them look like they are trying too hard or are boring.  Although, the new main guy is doing a good job.  The group dance shots are just a mess.  The first portion is boring and nothing is going on; they have to be doing a lot or moving fast for it to be cool to do slow-mo shots.  There are a couple of things they could of easily done to fix it.  One, improve the choreography.  The song is way to powerful to be doing dull choreography, and I can see from the individual dance shots that at least some of them know how to dance.  The second portion is just stupid in my opinion.  Two of them just do some flips while the other ones do their own thing.  It feels disjointed.  Now, the last group dance shot looks a bit better because they used a more compelling camera angle, which is also my second suggestion.  Just by using a couple different angles or doing mid-shots of individual or a couple members will add more depth to a dull dance shot.  The choreography is much too smooth for a song with so much base.  If they did something like what Arashi does.  More precise, or hard-hitting moves would be more suitable for this track (like what they did at the very end!!!!!!!!!).  The guy I said looks stupid. . . I would love to punch him in the face.  I hate him more than Jurina. . . okay whats his face is now satan baby.
安室奈美恵 feat. AI and土屋アンナ『Wonder Woman』

Pretty good job, basic PV.  The collaboration is amazing (but I don't love the song).  I kind of don't know what to say, no, I just don't feel like it.  The two shots I didn't like was the four-way split one and the wide shots of anyone singing in the elevator (but the mid-way ones I did like).

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