Sunday, February 6, 2011

SuperBowl ~ GO PACK GO!

I've lived in Wisconsin most of my life (including right now) so I am so excited!  I'm on the top of the world!  I expect two packages coming my way.  After looking at my homework for the week it is on the light side.  I finished all my homework in time for the SuperBowl and we won!  I just thought I would share my joy with you guys (and I know some of the other bloggers here should be overjoyed as well).  Some of you might not care, and I'm not a big football (sports in general) person, but this is a huge event in the states.  Oh by the way, Glee was great and Doritos won my vote for best Superbowl commercial.  (There were a ton of surprise guests during the half-time show I wouldn't be surprised if Arashi showed up {Nino being a Hollywood star and all}.)
Update: Some person. . . (probably smoking pot) set the fire alarm off right before I went to bed. Not that I wasn't awake enough because of all the excitement.  There was a concerned Asian and one of my friends wasn't wearing pants. . . I have to get up early tomorrow!

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