Friday, November 18, 2011

The Internet Censorship Law in the United States Congress

I try to keep politics out of things, but I believe this case is relevant to this very blog.  If this law passes I will probably shut Wota(in training) down.  Mostly because I know I've linked or posted copyrighted content and not only could I be fined but I could also go to jail.  Even doing a cover song of something on YouTube could send someone to jail.  Major internet providers and websites like Tumblr and Google are trying to stop it but they are up against the film industry and record companies.  If the link is too much of a pain let me know by email or in the comments and I will remove it.  I just want to get the word out.  I am still completely serious about shutting this blog down if it passes because I do not have the money to pay the fine.  

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