Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BiS are BAMFs

First off I want to apologize for how glitchy Blogger/ Blogspot is.  I've heard that people have had difficulty posting comments.  If it makes you feel any better I have to suffer glitches as well: videos I embed disappear at random.  I've decided that the BAMF awards will no longer be a weekly series.  The idol scene lacks risk takers, or at least to a point where it is difficult to find something exemplary on a weekly basis.  Now onto the topic at hand.
Brand-New Idol Society's whole concept is to break out of the typical idol mold.  (I had hopes that SDN48 would be that group by throwing the shelf-life for idols out the window, which they did, but I couldn't respect some of their work.)  I've adored their music thus far, and some of their PVs.  I do respect them for trying something new (but some shots aren't that appealing).  I've posted their new PV for primal. after the jump.  There are a few shots I liked for being edgy and kind of documentary-like.  However, the majority of the PV I find too disturbing to watch because of how graphic it is.  My opinion is that it isn't a good PV.  This is due to the fact that instead of accentuating the music, it distracts.  After viewing it I couldn't remember a thing about the song.  Plus, the infra-red shot looked low budget.  I understand how it works with the concept of primality, but it isn't flattering for the girls who I sorely missed.  They aren't as active in the media so I don't get to see them frolic that often, besides they have a new member.  nerve is by far my favorite PV (My lxxx is a close second) they've released because it is different, but it features the members themselves.  It is also quite effective because it is also my favorite song.

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