Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Message From Mina: Reaching Out to KPop Fans

I've bet you've noticed some developments in the content posted on this blog.  I've been expanding the content barriers to include other music facets in JPop like Super Cell.  We've also crossed some water to include South Korean media.  (Both of the new contributing writers are new fans to AKB48 as well so they are friendlies.)  But I got off topic like I always do.  Personally, I've been writing A LOT about K-Pop all of a sudden.  My perception of K-Pop fans on the internet is very poor, but this is based on my limited interaction with them.  It mostly comes down to two types: them bashing a Japanese group or them responding to any sort of criticism with a 'you're just jealous of how amazing they are' blah blah blah.  I know K-Pop fans in real life, that combined with Eat Your Kimchi is how I really started to take a serious interest.  I'm not going to assume that I'm the only one here who enjoys K-Pop.  I would like to here some recommendations for blogs to follow.  I might make a separate blogroll, or should I just combine the two?

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