Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mina's Mass PV Review

Perfume never fails to be perfect.  What is amazing about it is that it gradually provides the audience with new surprises.  The video itself develops into something that we weren't expecting.  We discover that they are dancing on a table covered in food.  Then a whole 'nother color palette is added.  I wouldn't change a thing.

This probably reminds long-time fans of the games they used to play in their old crack shows (like Shukudai-kun).  I don't believe many non-Arashi fans enjoying this PV.  The overacting is adorable if you like them.  Why is it that Aiba is the only one who doesn't look good in his outfit?  It has the same gothic storybook feel that some of their past PVs had, like Monster.  I like the playfulness of it, but like French Kiss' PV, probably not going to watch it again.

I bow down to whoever decided to develop Tokyo Girls' Style into something different than all those other idol groups.  It is the reason why I still follow them while I've gotten bored by groups like Momoclo.  This is pretty standard when it comes to idols, but the gothic scenes are gorgeous.  Their styling is perfect because they don't stray to far from being idols but they get some amazing edge.

I don't like it.  They are trying to be funny, but then they look like they are still trying to be cute.  It makes me suspicious of them.  One reason I like idols is because they are relatable and I could be friends with them.  But I don't want to be friends with anyone in this group.  Before they had the right mix of idol and humor, but now they look like a joke,  The video is well done though.  

Oh god, where is Rebecca Black?  Chad go away no one wants to touch you.  It looks like K-Pop was mixed with Dragon Ball Z and Douche guys.  There are a couple guys which are attractive, but seriously the styling on Chad!  Who thought that was attractive!  Did Lance Bass just decide to give his boy toys a video or something?

This is a pretty strong video.  The vocal shot is beautiful and suits the mood of the PV.  I enjoyed how the storyline highlights the importance of friendship.  It wasn't memorizing though.  Their gimmick are the dramas attached to the song.  I'm just one for variety, but I do enjoy it in the end.  I wouldn't watch this again.  It would of been nice to see some sort of dance shot because this wasn't a ballad.  I would of also liked to see them goofing around more because their friendship is very sugar-coated, makes it a bit unrealistic.  For example, the karaoke scene was awkward.  

I don't like the song, but this is what SDN48 should of done.  It is a ton of fun and makes you feel like you are partying with your friends.  SDN could of gathered a larger female audience instead of looking like more eye candy for men.

I find that some of the scenes are beautiful.  I love the use of lanterns to play with lighting and as pops of color.  I don't understand the hair wigs.  What does this have to do with China!  I hate the fact that the girls look identical.  The song is also as annoying as the girls.  I like elements of the video but hate the girls and the music.

I absolutely think this song sucks major BALLS!  Who thought releasing this song was a good idea?  I hate. . . I can't even continue watching it.  She isn't even professional when it comes to her own dance videos.  What you didn't practice?  WTF is it doing on YouTube then?

This is an amazing ballad PV, well was, in the beginning.  I love the simplicity of the close ups and the background.  Then the 360 camera.  Woah, whole different song.  Unlike Super Junior's Mr. Simple the mix of different song types as well as the video transition works well.

The first dance shot looks cool, but the song and the members are trying too hard to look cool.  Way too hard!

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