Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's Gonna Happen!!!

Do you hear the sound of biting nails? Yep. It's time for Riyoku's Supercell fan-girl-freak-out.

Am I the only one sad enough to call herself a 'fan-girl' of a group that doesn't perform live? THAT ASIDE!

Supercell is releasing "My Dearest" on the 23rd of November. The musical composition is amazing as usual, but I'm really sad that Yanagi Nagi isn't singing it! I feel like Nagi would pull this song off better, but Koeda isn't bad... especially for a, what, 15-year-old? So jealous! She has a slightly more abrasive base for her voice but she gets a great deal of power and very smooth high notes. <3

Dearest is the opening for "Guilty Crown."

HOWEVER!!!! That is not why Riyoku is freaking out. (What?!)
Supercell also put forth another single to be released: "Departures" under the name of a fictional group in Guilty Crown, "Egoist." Naturally, their spotlight song is "Euterpe," used as the first insert song of Guilty Crown. Absolutely gorgeous voice, Chelly! Chelly's voice is also a lower timber than Nagi's, and not as 'sweet' though their articulation and breathing style is similar though Chelly has a slightly more prominent vibrato. They're both clearly skilled pop singers.

I want to say Nagi has a clearer voice, but I haven't heard enough of Chelly's stuff to judge on that. Nagi's vocal flexibility is amazing regardless, and I hope to hear more of her things wherever she goes after Supercell!

This comes out on November 30th. I can't wait until after Thanksgiving for these, what are you talking about?!

And as a bonus, a song from Yanagi Nagi~
This is one of her older works, and is a cover of Raxephon opening, "Hemisphere."
This cover shows the naturally sweet timbre of her voice and her great control over the difficult repetitive fifth-jumps in the chorus. Her head-voice is stunning!

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