Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mina Is Back. . .again With MOAR PV Reviews!

HYUNA stop wipping your crotch while people are looking at you!  Oh, and rubbing your butt against his is not how you do sex.  I get you want to be sexy.  I think you can do it to.  You are trying way to 'effing hard!  Look at the dude.  Everything is covered and he is just being chill and he looks smokin'.  Why must girls be overtly sexual to be sexy, but guys can just be simmering under the surface!  You just need to be confident Hyuna and people will think you are sexy.  Hyuna ruined this video, well that and some of the clothes she wore were a bit how much leg can we show without showing her pussycat.  Wait a second. . . did he just touch her crotch?  The video is quite fashionable and I like how they play off of each other.  I like the choreography where he goes to kiss her but she turns away.      

It might be because I love Takei Emi but for a ballad PV I was throughly entertained.  When it comes to ballads the trick is to just keep my attention.  The song is lovely.  The sets and costuming is stylish, which makes sense since she is a charisma model.  I was confused at first by the contrast between the spring and winter, which appeared disjointed.  My first guess was that Emi was thinking back to the beginning of a love-relationship.  In Japanese literature spring signifies the beginning of romance, the courtship period.  Summer is when things get hot and heavy.  The relationship becomes strained in the fall.  And everything is dead by winter.  However, it is revealed that the spring segment is in one of the crystal balls.  I do enjoy twists, but I guess I could of realized it earlier because we get a glimpse of the crystal ball towards the beginning.  Takei Emi does a wonderful job at singing a ballad in front of the camera without it appearing stiff.

The beginning of this video reminds me of K-Pop teasers.  It is very cool and serious and then you see the PV and hear the song, and it is rarely the same in epicness.  Another super group?  Is that going to become a trend now?  Most of these groups irk me because a fair number of the members never sing.  I get it, they are dancers.  Still, this is a music group isn't it?  I want them to at least sing back up.  I wish Happiness' lead vocalist would just go solo.  The dancing is good, as expected.  I like how they approached the outfits.  While the set matches the costumes well, it looks romantic and a bit gothic which does not match the song in the least.  There is also a bit of the Super Junior trapped in a room thing going on too.

It seems the world is going through a fairytale phase (there are two snow white films coming out).  I love the childlike wonder or this video.  My issues are with the length of her dress.  Her dress looks like something I would wear as a child and the video itself seems innocent.  I just want it a little bit longer, or shorts would work too.  I want that duck by the way.  The song is spectacular and playful, like I'm listening to a fantasy book.  I find it odd that she is bubbly in the storyline shots, but dead-pan in the dance shot.  It weirded me out.  I guess she is suppose to be doll-like like the figures that pop out of clocks.  My last critique was that the dance shot left something to be desired.  Since she had a traditional style dance shot I would of preferred a bit more movement and dancing on her part.  Either that, or more creativity in the angles and pans during the dance shot.

The cityscapes and the desaturation/ use of cool (as in the temperature) colors.  The problem here is that box!  You can't introduce it as a major character if no one has any idea why it is there.  You need to give at least a hint.  I hate the close-up and solo, box-room shots.  With all the outdoor shots, including the dance shot, using the typical room thing looks out of place.  They needed to have a dance shot in a room complimentary to the outdoor dance shot.  They then could of used the outdoor shots at the climax of the song to give it some extra umph.  They should of introduced more variety towards the beginning because I started to get board.


In the dark room shot the introduction of different shirt colors was very interesting.  I love when they try something that I've never seen.  See!  There is nothing wrong with a room music video, but you need to add some a little bit of spice to it.  The shots, like of their feet, the consistent movement it all adds a bit.  Notice how they never let there be no movement, either the camera or the members, for too long.  This had an amazing dance shot!  I could of been perfectly satisfied with just that.

Oh my word, I am loving every second.  What I love about it is that it doesn't try to do anything that different.  It is all in the details.  The variety in cinematography combined with the basic style of a music video is brilliant.  It is simple but still unique at the same time.  Stylish.

This is adorable.  They are doing cute right, not the annoying aegyo thing.  If you have fun and act natural you don't have to go over the top to look cute.  This is my favorite winter wonderland of the year so far.  

Let's see, three dance shots in rooms with close ups.  This doesn't sell it to me.  There is nothing horrendous about any individual shot, bur I can see these three dance shots in completely different videos.  Like the plain room could go with a gritty and or retro theme.  The lightning room is kind of hipster.  Then there is the bee-hive which makes me think of 4Minute.     

Here is my deal with this video.  I feel like their crotch is in my face!  Those short, shorts combined with the camera looking slightly up at them tends to put their junk right near the center of the shot.  Plus the forward pan at that low level doesn't help.  I think 4Minute has a butt fetish.  They keep on popping and touching their tush.  I guess I'll give them a pass and assume that I just randomly noticed that area and started obsessing over it.  (They get an extra star.)

Same old, same old.  Momoclo are idols on crack.  They have a ton of great shots and they look like they are actually enjoying themselves.  Wait!  Where did the coconuts come from!

The brilliant thing about this video is that it appears to be just a typical idol video, but then all hell breaks loose.  (I've tested it on my friends on Facebook, it is true.)  I think they are hilarious and I love to join in.  I don't love all their humor, but I understand why they do it.

I like the styling of the video, it works well with the tone of the track.  HOWEVER, I find the song and the video offensive.  Women= a commodity on the same level of alcohol and cash.  Plus, the concept of the song, and how it is incorporated into the video, is completely unoriginal.  The majority of hip-hop songs in the US are all about men having a lot of all three.  I hate that the song is catchy and video looks amazing, but the context is horrible.  (Um, did you mean anything by taping girls' mouths shut. . .)  They lost a star for the look how much hot ladies, money, and fame I got shots.  Just a different cliche.

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