Thursday, February 2, 2012

AKB48 Scandals & SNSD's TV Debut

I didn't first hear about the firing of Hirajima Natsumi (B) and Yonezawa Rumi (K) in my usual fashion through my blogroll.  I was attending a drinking party with my friends who are also studying Japanese and then some our friends from Japan.  One of the Japanese girls pointed to my Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 poster and said that she was graduating, along with Yonezawa.  She added that there was a scandal because someone hacked Yonezawa's private twitter account.  I was surprised of course.  In retrospect, if you consider how popular AKB48 is, it is expected that people will try to dig up dirt. Luckily the popular ones are so busy and overworked I doubt they have the time or the energy.  If not then they are probably doing their best to hide it, like sneaking into boy's apartments through the recycling bins and such.  [That is a reference to Kago Ai.]

It didn't really hit me how upset I was until I watched a subbed episode of Bimyo~.  Nacchan appeared and it hurt so much.  Yonezawa was only on my radar because of the fashion photos she would upload.  I've always thought she was pretty.  I've always thought that AKB48's management does a poor job of promoting the girls through photobooks.  I guess it is because I got into Japanese idols through Morning Musume who, especially for certain members, would release quite a few.  Pretty much every member would release one at some point.  Even now when they aren't as popular they still release DVDs and photobooks.  I was pleased when I saw that she got one.  I'm not too upset by Yonezawa.  I do hope she tries to continue in entertainment or maybe be a charisma model.  My hopes for Nacchan are different.  I would want to see her come back, ignoring the fact that she does not have potential in rising in ranks.  I think she is suited for being an idol.  She looks cheerful, even in the photos that got her in trouble.  I'm only bringing that up because it is evidence to support that she isn't putting up a fake front.  There is also a question of WH7.  She is an founding member, 1st generation, and she had a consistently high ranking in the Undergirls.  She also has a hot bod.  I adore her thighs.  [Not that I stare at their thighs. . . someone brought it up in a forum.]

Warning, the following section I go Kingsley on you guys.
『  I hate whoever did this!  I don't care about them dating, just like how I don't give a fig about Arashi members dating and having tons of sex *nino *cough *cough.  I always looked at is a rule that, wrong or not, was something you had to follow.  I'm not upset with either one.  I kind of interested in hearing about them dating.  What kind of guy do they really like.  I heard the suspected boyfriend of Nacchan goes to Keio University (one of my Japanese friends has a friend who is friends with the guy.)  I officially hate this rule!  It sucks massive, hairy BALLS.  

Screw those stupid wota who are upset about this.  You guys are a bunch of pussies who can't get a girlfriend!  Go back and hide in your rooms with the rest of the leeches.  You are absurd!  Oh your precious idol touched a person of the opposite sex, does that make your penis recoil?  If I caught anyone of you trying to burn merchandise of Nacchan I will steal it from you (because I totally will take it if you don't want it anymore) and start cussing at you in English which you will hate because a lot of Japanese people have a fear of trying to FAIL at speaking in English.  Any sensible human being would get over it!  

I thought this was a cultural thing.  I've read women like Sho (Arashi) because he doesn't have many scandals.  THIS ISN'T.  I asked my Japanese friends and they don't care.  They only think guys would care.  I sometimes day dream about what if I ended up dating an idol, do you see me crying like a spoiled prat who never got disciplined in his life and gets the sh*t kicked out of him for being a prat.  I'm not going to tell you to die because I think no one should go that far, but I hope someone soccer punches your junk.  』

Okay, that felt good.  I don't care that much about Nacchan personally, but I don't think it is fair.  You may of just ruined her career and now she is going to get all this hate for NO GOOD REASON.  The boy bands get off for worse rumors, but not the girls.

SNSD has made the full jump into promoting themselves in the US market.  I'm not sure about starting off with an album, especially since it is in Korean.  Let's also consider the fact that the English lyrics are  lame.  I don't know who is in charge of their management, but I doubt they are American.  Just because you add a rapper doesn't make it any better, plus he isn't performing with you and it is only in the remix.  You are just adding to the things against you.  Did Utada or BoA start off with a song from Asia and switch it up with some crappy lyrics in English.  NO.  They had famous producers helping them too.

I am not rooting for them to fail.  I don't think AKB48 stands a chance either.  SNSD has a better shot considering how strong their English is.  They perform well too.  How do US artists try to make it.  They release an original single.  Ke$ha released her music video for Tick Tock for free on iTunes for a week.  If they put their first single for free on iTunes that could produce some buzz.  They also need to work on their image.  I still think they look a bit like Korean barbies.  You'll be hearing that most of them are too skinny.  It kind of freaks me out.  They should consider popular girl groups, and failed ones, that originated in the states.  My first memories of the Pussycat Dolls was their music video.  I knew Danity Kane from a reality TV show where they went through a similar process.  I preferred, and      supported, Danity Kane more because I liked the members and knew who they were as people.  How do you get rid of a plastic image is to let fans in.  Release a music video, do more interviews, put behind the scenes stuff online.

I do think Sasshi looks cute in this outfit.
Now, quite a few AKB members are getting solo singles.  I was happily surprised when I heard multiple labels were requesting for a solo from Sashihara Rino (A).  I don't think she has the strongest vocals, but from what I've seen from her I don't think she is half bad.  I thought her rendition of Dear J had a lot of personality to it.  I was quite disappointed when I saw clips of her performing the single.  I bet, since she is a wota, that she is enjoying it.  I don't believe it is right for her character.  She has this goofy, humble, girl-next-door thing going for her.  It is too Mayuyu for her image.  I would of rather had seen her do something playful to go with her fail character.

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