Friday, February 3, 2012

Mina's Favorite JE & K-Pop Male Hotties

This is going to be a little of both of my previous posts of this genre, if I can call it that.  [AKB48 BFF/ Girlfriends and then Attractive K-Pop Women]  I faced a similar problem with my K-Pop post because I wasn't familiar enough with their personalities to determine if we would match.  I don't want to rank girls based purely on looks so I just gave my top two.  I'm going to do the same thing for everyone else except Arashi.  This is partly due to the fact that if I am familiar with a member or two I probably don't know anything about the rest of the group, or that I don't think we would get along.  Now with Arashi I will rank them by who I would want for a husband versus being a boyfriend/ friend with benefit.

~Bring On The Storm~
1. Sho
2. Aiba
3. Leader 
4. MatsuJun 
5. Nino

Boy Toys:
1. MatsuJun
2. Nino
3. Sho
4. Aiba
5. Leader

He probably has one of the best bodies in the group.  He is adorable and I really like people who can make me laugh.  I also appreciate the fact that he is smart and pays attention to current events.  I like to read the newspaper myself.  He seems dependable.  The one reason why he isn't higher on the boy toy section is because my friends and I think he would be a little vanilla in the sack.

He has that edgy bad boy side of him, but he also is kind of a spazz.  He makes some of the most ridiculous faces, and I think they are so much worse coming from him.  I watched a hilarious clip of him taking care of a child, he looked a bit angry.  It was cute.  I think he is likely good in bed.    

He is the dumb blonde of the group.  He loves animals, as do I.  Plus, him speaking English is the most beautiful thing in the world.  He is a positive person and makes me laugh so it would be great to have him around.  

Here is the sex addict himself.  There has been quite a few stories of him and booty calls.  His image is of a sensitive, but a bit harsh guy.  I think he is the cutest, but his complaining would get on my nerves.

He seems the most family orientated out of the group.  He might be still living with his parents, I'm not sure.  He tells stories about playing Wii with his parents.  He is on the quite side, which would be the big problem because I don't want to be the person who talks.  I just think he would be a good dad.  

The Buffet - >

Hey! Say! Jump - Yamada Ryosuke
Runner Up: Chinen Yuri

Big Bang - TOP
Runner Up: Taeyang

Kanjani8 - Nishikido Ryo
Runner Up: Yu Yokoyama

U-Kiss - Kevin 
Runner Up: Soohyun

JYJ - Micky
Runner Up: Junsu

Super Junior - Yesung
Runner Up: Dong Hae

B1A4 - CNU
Runner Up: Sandeul

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