Friday, March 16, 2012

2012 H!P Ranking Explanation

The majority of my past explanations for ranking are reserved for AKB and Morning Musume, so with the exception of Michishige Sayumi I don't think people are aware of my preferences.  (If you look at earlier posts two major themes appear for Morning Musume: I love Shige, but dislike Takahashi Ai.)    

10. Ikuta Erina (MM)
I have a sweet spot for the cute girls.  She stuck out to me as likely to pass through the auditions.  I was concerned when I saw her close-up shots from her first PV shoot because she seemed uncomfortable or at least awkward.  She appears to be more confident now.  It also was a good sign when Shige took her under her wing.  She just looks like she is a nice, quirky girl.  I like quirky.

9. Mitsui Aika (MM) 
She is the most unappreciated member of Morning Musume. I liked her right away because she seemed to have this feisty, like a little puppy, aura.  I began to adore her after watching subbed clips of one of their DVDs.  (That whole segment makes me smile.)  I like how her voice sounds.  The sad thing is that I am a bit particular about hair, it just has to look good.  Unfortunately, someone insists on doing sub-par work with her hair.  The above photo I think is perfect.  I also find the sibling relationship between Reina and Aika charming.  I don't know if it is a matter of her not getting pushed like she did when she first joined, or if she needs to work harder.  (I enjoy watching her in concerts.)  Then again, I no longer follow them as closely as before.  I am disappointed that the western fans are quite cruel to her, often saying she looks old and such.     

8. Tsugunaga Momoko (Berryz)
Her character has changed a bit, she moved into the comedy side where Sayumin has been carrying the torch for H!P. (I know I keep on changing her nickname = Michishige).  For one she is a definite ace.  Another one of her charms is that she has a nice butt, it isn't flat.  I can understand why people dislike her, for the same reason they don't care for Sayumin, because of her character.  But as a reminder, that isn't her so treat it like a character.  Did I mention she is a college student?        

7. Natsuyaki Miyabi (Berryz) 
Miyabi has sky rocketed in my ranking partly due to her chopping off her hair.  I think it looks best if it doesn't reach her shoulders.  She is another Berryz ace.  I guess her character is the nice girl.  She doesn't really have a distinctive character, maybe girl-next-door or natural.  

6. Suzuki Airi (C-ute)
There goes the last member of Buono. They are all aces in H!P, which is why Buono is so popular.  They just all perform well and have star qualities.  I don't know why, but if I had to pick a center for Buono it would be Airi.  It could be her look.  Shock by C-ute was a great song (click link for lolz).  I've never seen her look bad.  

5. Fukumura Mizuki (MM) 
Honestly, I didn't understand why she was added as part of the 9th generation.  She just didn't look like anything special.  However, since watching her she has become my favorite of that generation.  I guess I'm drawn to the natural character, nice girls.  She is also quite pretty.  I hope she gets more screen time.     

4. Hagiwara Mai (C-ute) 
I think she is really pretty, maybe more than Airi.  She reminds me of teenage Dakota Fanning.  It is hard to explain why I like some of these girls, because I naturally gravitate to them.  They stick out to me/ they catch my eye.  

3. Tanaka Reina (MM) 
She is one of the few members in Morning Musume with a clear character/ role in the group.  She is the 'lone-wolf', stylish one.  That is the reason why she is fun to watch.  Tsunku was right about her being the ideal; she never ages!  She has been consistently a strong member.

2. Sugaya Risako (Berryz) 
She may not have the strongest vocals, but I adore the sound of her voice.  It reminds me of a roar.  It is distinct and I think it is a good quality to have.  If you don't have strong vocals then it is best to have a unique sound.  I also enjoy her attitude; it is not a bad one, but a sassy one.  I guess I like confidence and people to have fun while performing.  Plus, boobs.  I'm sorry (it isn't the only thing I like but it is a bonus).  Oh, and she is average sized!  (which probably contributes to my previous point.)  I'm not that big of a pervert, I swear. . . okay no I am.  I am a college student; you can only think about sex once you enter high school.  (sorry I did that tangent thing again.)  She has the X factor that makes me incapable of not watching her.  

1. Michishige Sayumi (MM) 
Yeah, I'm predictable aren't I.  I prefer her 'I'm cute' character over Momo's, so I like watching her on variety shows.  She is actually really sweet if you read her blog.  I've pretty much have written all I can say about her.  (look at previous posts where her name is tagged.)  She never disappoints me.  If only v-u-den turned out well.  (I thought they were a good arrangement.)  

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