Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mina's Top Ten Female Idols/ Groups Ranking & Explanation

I tend to get good feedback when I do explanations for my rankings, and I wanted to post something.  If there is a subject you want me to weigh in on let me know.  I'm always looking for something to talk about.  The reason I'm not including guys in this is because boy bands can be a little inconsistent.  The majority I only care for their singles.  Arashi and Super Junior are probably my top two, but I haven't heard much from Super Junior and Arashi hasn't been as good since 2010.  Arashi, seriously what happened to those amazing singles.  (Their most recent album had some great songs, but really lacking when it came to hit singles.)

I think you guys will enjoy this because I explain why I like who I like.  I hope you find someone new that you like.  I tend to find being called 'biased' offensive because I don't follow groups based on looks or the members.  For me if I don't like the music then it is really hard for me to follow a group.  Personality and looks help, but I don't listen to music for their personality.  

1. AKB48
Why do I like AKB48 so much?  There are a lot of factors that play into it, but the main reason is that I enjoy a significant amount of their music.  The fact that they release so much, through singles, subgroups, and stages, likely increases the probability that I'll like some of it.  I also adore the variety in styles.  Yes, the majority is standard Pop, which is perfectly fine by my book, they also have songs that incorporate Rock and Hip-Hop.  Akimoto went through a little latin phase (Team A's 6th Stage).  I have a wide range of music I enjoy (from Nicki Minaj to Florence + the Machine, and so on).  Plus, a lot of the songs have nice lyrics.  They've also challenge themselves creatively.  Even their earlier singles had captivating promotional videos and choreography.  They are using their popularity to their advantage by working with some amazing artists and directors for their releases.  I'm looking forward to see how the new lyricists will do.  (If you haven't heard, Akimoto is hiring people to help him write music.)  With new influences coming in I hope to see the music develop.   

When I consider the interesting concept of 'a classroom' and watching the girls develop (Akimoto's CNN interview), I can overlook that some of the members aren't as talented as I would like them to be.  This is a major negative to me.  It also hurts the group because there are some strong vocalists, but the weaker members make them look bad.  Another thing that makes up for that is the range in members.  They have different personalities, and looks; there is pretty much someone for everyone.    

2. Brown Eyed Girls
Brown Eyed Girls are quite different than AKB48, which is probably why I am tempted to put them on top.  First off, the fact that they have members who are in their mid-twenties to thirties is lovely.  The entertainment industry in a lot of countries, especially for women, is very youth-orientated.  They are likely the most talented K-Pop, female, idol group.  They are the perfect kind of sexy.  (Confident and powerful sexy, not look-at-me and buy-my-music sexy.)  Both their singles and solo work tend to be spectacular.  My issue with them is, besides their singles, I don't like their music all too much.  Also, they don't release music all too often.  However, that is mostly the 'comeback' system in their industry's fault.  So basically, they are more talented than AKB48, equal in personality, but AKB48 has more music that I like.  However, the songs that I do like are so superb that they beat out SKE48 (who also have more songs that I like than BEG).  

3. SKE48
I have similar reasons why I like SKE48 compared to AKB48,  not unexpected since they have the same concept.  What surprised me was how different stylistically they are.  Their singles often make me imagine a lake or some body of water. They also tend to be more energetic dancers, this might be a Team S thing though.  SKE48's members have a different look compared to AKB48.  I really recommend watching their Zepp Nagoya (042910) and (122509) concerts; after I watched those I became a big fan.  They lack a variety show like AKBingo!, which is why I don't know their names or personalities well.  They've also improved the last couple of years.    

4. Perfume
I don't blog much about Perfume.  I don't have anything interesting to say about them.  I believe they are the definition of idols.  They seem perfect at all times, and reflect an ideal for women.  They also follow the guideline of being popular.  Perfume also has a good chance of continued long-term success, which is usually limited to male units.  Perfume's musical style, while unique, isn't my favorite.  I love it in the same way I love Enya.  It isn't exactly party music or something I would listen to often, but it is relaxing and enjoyable.    

5. NMB48
I had some trouble deciding where to place NMB48 on this ranking.  Their singles have been good, but nothing outstanding.  The members are surprising, considering how new they are to the industry, good performers.  I originally placed it lower, but then I considered their stage.  If you don't recall, I raved about their first stage.  This is partly due to AKB and SKE's debut stages weren't as good, in my opinion.  I can also see the Osaka flavor.  I didn't care for the song or PV for Oh My God!, however their performance made me like the song.  I think that is a good quality.  It was a really bland song, but they were so adorable.  They made me associate the two together.  Now I actually want to listen to the song.     

6. Morning Musume
You know how I said the main reason I love AKB is because of their music, that is what is hurting my interest in Morning Musume.  After viewing the PV for Renai Hunter, I've decided that I like the 10th generation.  (not as much as 9th gen.)  Plus, with Takahashi and Niigaki gone I adore all the members.  So, idol-wise they are in a great spot.  (there is a concern about talent because as far as I know Reina is the only strong vocalist, but I don't know about 9th and 10th gen.)  They just need to be more consistent with releases (that I like).  Renai Hunter was in the right direction.  (still want something more on the level of 10 MY ME and Maji Desu Ka Ska.)  I'm still hanging on because it wasn't too long ago from when I really enjoyed their releases.  Although, I'm impatient so I'm getting sick of waiting and disappointment.   

7. Tokyo Girls Style
I wasn't expecting much after their debut single, but they've done an amazing job thus far.  Their singles and albums have been good or better.  I like how they infuse the typical idol sound with other genres.  Keep it up ladies.  

 8. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Kyary had me at hello.  I find her singles addicting, but I wouldn't love them as much without the packaging.  Her PVs are spectacular.  Each one is different, but you see common imagery.  Kyary is not the most talented idol walking around vocally or in terms of music.  Excluding her singles, I don't care for her songs.  Her selling point is her concepts and creativity.  She knows how to sell it, and that is why I am always at the edge of my seat waiting for a new single.

9. Chocolat
I know this may piss off K-Pop fans when I've ranked this rookie group higher than most major groups like SNSD, Kara, and 2NE1.  I just like them better.  Their singles have been improving.  The fact that three members are biracial interests me.  Their dance practice videos are fun to watch.  I enjoy their performances.  Chocolat, especially my favorite Melanie, has strong vocals.  I root for them.  They also have the best English version for a Korean song that I've heard.  (I think SNSD's sucked.)       

10. Fairies
This is another rookie group, but from Japan.  They could surpass some of the above groups if they divided up the singing more.  I reject the E-girl groups because only two or three members sing when they have like seven members.  On that point, they've been improving.  Their dancing is wonderful.  I also adore most of their singles.  I also love their professional image.  (older groups could perform in the same clothes.)

Honorable Mention: Super Girls, C-ute, BiS, Momoiro Clover Z, 2NE1, and Kara.

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