Monday, March 12, 2012

And More Releases of the PV and MV Variety

Results of 3/07 Poll:
1. Berryz工房 - Be 元気 (成せば成るっ!)
2. Big Bang - Fantastic Baby
3. 2NE1 - Scream
4. SDN48 - 負け惜しみコングラチュレーション
[And no one cared about EXO]

Honestly guys, are you voting for your favorite group or who you thought did a better job?  I'm only questioning your honor because the groups popular with my readers win.  Although that means there are a good amount of K-Pop fans who participate, which is great.  Remember guys, you get only one chance to vote, but you can vote for three different videos!  I've noticed singular votes.  I'm not upset that Berryz won, sure there were some things I would of liked to be different.  I also don't love the song.  But, I adore those costumes and I'm interested in Berryz again.  While, Momo is not the center she is definitely bringing the most attention.  My female friends from Japan can only name her out of all the members, the same goes for Michishige and Morning Musume.  Being a variety idol is really helpful if you want air time.

Remember!  You get one chance to vote, but you get to select three music videos to vote for.  This week might be rough because there are a lot of big names included.

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