Thursday, March 15, 2012

Promotional Video Releases (031512)

Previous Poll Results (which was like three days ago. . .)
1. Namie Amuro - Go Round
2. Mano Erina - 黄昏交差点
3. C-ute - 君は自転車 私は電車で帰宅
4. EXO-K - History
5. Ayumi Hamasaki - How Beautiful You Are

I'm pretty happy with the results this time.  Namie definitely had my favorite of the bunch.  I was surprised by how well Mano Erina did considering I never hear good things about her from H!P fans.  I'll let you know after the results who I voted for from now on.  I voted for Namie Amuro, Mano Erina, and EXO-K.  If you had trouble deciding last time, this is going to be harder.

REMINDER: You get one chance to vote, but you get to select three options.

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