Sunday, March 4, 2012

K-Pop Fans, We Need to Talk.

You've become notorious for being cruel, shallow, and just plain horrible people.  I myself am a K-Pop fan, and a fair share of my friends (in the real world) are as well.  I've had it with this inexcusable behavior.  This is the reason why I prefer to call myself a fan of J-Pop over K-Pop.  You guys can really suck.  STOP IT!  This frustrated rant is brought to you by the fugly (at least on the inside. . . where it counts) T-ara fans.  [Summary: three members of Berryz Koubou as part of a SCRIPTED variety show (the host was there too) crashed a T-ara event.  They do the usual comedy-thing, but fans started yelling "Die!" + "You're not cute at all" and even calls about not ignoring them. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]  Stop being trolls who aren't actual trolls but just a bunch of sour grapes.  I don't want to be your friend and you are scaring away other fans.  Do you think I have any interest in learning more about T-ara now?  No!  I'm planning on never purchasing any music from T-ara again.  I don't want to deal with this sh*t.  I'm boycotting T-ara.  One of the reasons Hello Project started to die for me was because fans were being butt-heart that they aren't relevant anymore.  

I was pondering doing a 'State of the Project' post.  (Like the title I came up with?)  But I decided against it because I don't think I was going to bring up any new opinions, except my surprise in Berryz.  
I still find the music so-so.  However, I was surprised by how captivated I was by their performance.  They have a wonderful variety in personalities and looks.  I reminded me a bit of old Morning Musume.  I still don't think they'll make it because of the music and management.  While watching this performance I was struck with the thought that Miyabi has never been this beautiful.  Risako is still her sassy sex bomb self.  Momo has taken up Michishige's character (which is throughly entertaining).  All the other members bring their own elements into the mix.  If only I enjoyed the music, because I don't have the money to buy music I dislike.  I still love C-ute, by the way.  Morning Musume is like a foreign entity to me because I don't know 10th gen at all.  They should release more music or something so I can be more familiar.  If I find the latest concert to download I might do a review.  

The only K-Pop group where I follow their personalities, at least for girls, is Brown Eyed Girls.  The rest still seem to barbie for my taste.  I'm sorry they are all tall and too skinny [same reason why I've dumped MomoClo Z].

On the topic of not being cute.  Some male wota, whose dick doesn't seem to work right, threw a hissy fit about Amina's weight.  Well in this performance I thought she was much sexier than the two thin idols next to her.  

Here is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's upcoming single:
The chorus sounds too repetitive, but we'll see.  She does a wonderful job with selling it.

Here is the preview for Tomochin's upcoming single:

I tend to like all of her songs, even the digital and B-sides.  So I like it but nothing too exciting.  She has proven that she can do a variety, based on how many she has released already, but it would be nice if she surprised me.  Akimoto should try something with dubstep.

Here is the full PV for Arashi's upcoming single:

Arashi is fine with low budget because they are great performers.  They are probably the funnest group to watch.  However, their singles have been sub-par in comparison to their 2010 hits.  2010 was the year I got into them, so I guess my expectations are too high.  Their latest album was good, but the one before it was better.  I just want to see more amazing singles like Troublemaker and Monster

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