Friday, March 4, 2011

AKB48 Singles Ranking

They have a new album coming out, with more than two original songs included, so I'm excited.  It won't include their latest single as far as I know.  This isn't surprising if you consider that No Sleeves did the same thing when their first album came out.  This is a little off topic, but I want to mention something now because I am waiting for the PV preview or full PV to be leaked before I review it: Morning Musume's next single.  I like the song.  It reminds me of songs they released when the 5th generation was added, but it is still not reflecting my favorite period when it comes to singles.  When the fourth generation was added the songs got really cracky (dancing in a bathroom).  I like the song (don't love it, I've been listening to performances from AKB48's Tokyo Aki Matsuri more than this song), but from the small preview included during a H!P show I am not excited.  The outfits look slightly hooker-esque and Mittsi's hair looks like crap again.  Sorry bout the tangent. . .

1. Beginner
When I first heard it I was bit off-foot because I was hearing that it resembled Stand Up! which is one of favorite Team K stage songs.  After sometime I can see it, but at first I was a bit. . . off-foot.  However after all the missteps which were mostly because expectations were built up, I find this is my favorite single.  This is the song I always like to see performed.  I enjoy the powerful songs.  I like songs with strong dance components.

2. Sakura no Shiori
I bet this surprises a lot of people.  This is probably the most dividing single they have ever released, because it is so different.  Everyone keeps complaining about how it is only senbatsu featured in singles, and here they release one with everyone included and people still aren't happy.  But this isn't why I adore this song.  I find it very soothing.  It takes me away from where I am.  It is just beautiful.  I adore artists that off variety, especially when you go from one single to the next.  There have been a couple choir songs from AKB, but rarely are they singles.  Considering their success, I thought this was a risky move and I even disliked it at first.  You have to risk it to get the biscuit.

3. Iiwake Maybe
I don't know why I enjoy this song so much.  I don't find anything that outstanding about it.  The reason: I just enjoy listening to it.  This is their best generic-pop song they've ever released, so I wonder if you can call it generic.  The PV probably had something to do with it, or maybe Acchan as the lead (yeah she is there a lot but I worship her voice).

4. Keibetsu Shiteita Aijou
This definitely wins best theme for a song. I miss the days when they released songs with controversial topics and lyrics, but I guess Beginner brought it back for a moment. If you are not familiar the song is about bullying, depression, and the crapping atmosphere that surrounds teenagers in school. The song is haunting, especially combined with the choreography. These were the days when both the talented and the popular members worked together in both singles and stages.

5. Ponytail to Shushu
Well excuse me, why do you think I enjoy idol groups so much? I am a big fan of pop, and it probably is my favorite genre. The lyrics are kind of. . . meh. What is wrong about having fun in the sun on the beach? The lyrics hit home for me: the breeze, having your hair pulled up in a ponytail. See what I mean; variety! We went from bullying to ponytails. Oh, I get a musical-boner when I hear violins. I must of watched too much Sailor Moon growing up. Minus points for using the 'la, la, la' crutch. It sounds good, but Tsunku has scared those lyrics for me.

6. Sakura no Ki ni Narou
Acchan-vocal-boner! I need to stop using that! (I've been watching Top Chef re-runs: culinary-boner). I like ballads, but I am more a high-on-life fan versus tear-jerker. None the less, this song is beautiful.

7. Heavy Rotation
I never thought I cared for this song so much until in my Japanese lecture our professor played it (she plays a Japanese song five minutes before lecture starts). I started to do the choreography in my seat and scared my friends (they know I am crazy because they've seen my wota room). You got to have a couple cracky/ fanservice songs thrown in there.

8. Romance, Irane
Another one of my old favorites, it reminds me of the Sailor Moon soundtrack. Akimoto, more often in stages, produces some vintage-esque, Japanese pop. I just happen to be a fan of vintage, Japanese pop.

I like this song. I want to like it more, but it just doesn't hit the spot. What pushes the song so high is concert performances of this song. This song is meant to be performed live.

10. Seifuku ga Jama o Suru
I used to consider this a favorite and I keep getting this itch to move it up higher. This is one of their controversial songs. It does, especially the PV, seem to be about that. However, I can read into other things from just the lyrics. Akimoto doesn't shy away from sex-topics and teenagers which is probably why they are popular in the teen demographic.

11. Sakura no Hanabiratachi
This is the section where I am half-hearted: I like it, but I don't love it. What puts the song up here is the significance. This is their debut single and I just see them performing in the theatre.

12. 10nen Zakura
I used to be a huge fan of this song, but Oogoe Diamond brought it down; they are just too similar for my taste (reminds me of H!P).  I do adore this song because it is a ton of fun.

13. Skirt, Hirari
Dirty lyric time!  I don't listen this song that often, but the lyrics just make this song.  AKB, stop being a tease!  You guys need a sassy, gay friend.  Stupid Bietch.  I don't really have much to say after this point, so I'll just stop.  If you are really curious, then let me know in the comments and I can respond as to why.

14. Boku no Taiyou
15. Oogoe Diamond
16. Baby! Baby! Baby!
17. Yuuhi o Miteiru ka?
18. Namida Surprise!
19. BINGO!
20. Chance no Junban
21. Sakura no Hanabiratachi 2008
22. Aitakatta

What did they give the girls beforehand?!?! They are like . . . just watch Acchan!

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