Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mina's Massive PV Review Extravaganza!

It is spring break!  (Well, not really but I am skipping classes tomorrow to sleep in and to go to a rally so basically yeah.  Note to self, write that mini-paper tomorrow before you forget!)  Now, I am going to have a weird post coming soon.  I feel kind of bad that I've bumped Todd down; I wish I knew programming stuff better so I can keep a featured post at the top.  If you haven't read it scroll down a bit until you see Mayu, and read another delicious post from Todd.  Claire is in Nara, so I wonder if she'll get around to writing those posts she mentioned. . .  She'll be back in the States in April so I can harass her in the same time-zone then.  Sorry again to my fellow bloggers for spam posting, it is just I am more busy at certain times now.  Oh, and remember to vote for us as best new blog and Todd's Absurd for best post of the year at International Wota.  You only have six more days . . . more like five considering when I'll actually post this. . . to vote.  I have the information for some of these following singles and where you can buy them here.  Hello Project people get excited, in case you feel neglected by me, because I'm starting with you!

Let me start off with informing you of my biases.  As you might have deduced already is that I am not a huge fan of her yet, which is why I have posted little to nothing about her.  I wasn't all that impresses with her doing back-up to Koharu Kusumi.  My ears did perk up when I heard her voice was similar to Mikitty's, and I am a fan of her.  The close up and dance shot give me a Happy Girls Project or whatever that is called, or Mano Erina.  I guess it is an idol debut song, so they won't be doing anything too out there.  The song is pretty meh.  I love her voice and she looks lovely with her hair up.  I also adore all the bright colors in the balloon/ ball room.  However, it is way to cute.  It looks like she is trying, and nothing works if you are trying too hard.  It went from meh to do I have to finish watching this for my review as soon as she picked up the toy instrument.  You are trying way to hard and it is turning me off.  There are so many other ways they could of played this song without boring me and scaring me off.  Just be yourself!

When I saw the making of and the ten second clips I thought, same old, same old.  Why can H!P never get Niigaki's and Mittsi's hair right these days!  Once in a blue moon they look good and the rest their hair looks like sh*t.  Oh my god, I was so close to liking this PV and saying that I had nothing I disliked about it so far, but they just couldn't do it!  The four youngins look great, don't ever change.  As I said before there are two people who need to be protected from the staff.  Then there is that elephant in the room: Takahashi Ai.  Wait, she didn't leave yet?  Just kidding!  But with all the 9th gen stuff that included Sayu and Niigaki it almost felt like she wasn't there anymore.  I thought the whole point was that she could train them before she left.  Anyway, take off her make-up!  They are wearing clothes (including short shorts) that are on the verge of looking hooker-esque.  That lipstick and curly hair does nothing for her age or for her looking respectable.  So, thanks Takahashi every close-up shot of you made this PV preview feel a bit worse.  Sorry about that, but I really like it!  I mean I wasn't thinking about anything.  Sayu is still cute as a button and I think I have the same tights.  I was concerned that the hooker outfits would work against the 9th gen, but they look great.  The black and white background with the pops of color are perfection.  See you guys can pull off a decent formula PV.  Just need to get hair and make-up on board.

I was avoiding this PV because of two reasons, Lady GaGa and the auto-tune (I didn't want to piss off the Berryz fans).  The dance shot is great.  I love the different light settings it definitely gives it some extra life.  Outfits were all most perfect, but Miyabi (and her close up) sticks out like a sore thumb.  I like the Lady GaGa.  It is clearly Lady GaGa; I don't care how this originates or whatever but it looks identical to Poker Face and I love that god damn music video.  I would love this song to death, if it wasn't for that stupid auto-tune.  I know she isn't the best singer, but I think it makes it sound worse.  My ears are bleeding.  The only other issue is 'whats her face' doesn't look good in the wig because her eyes are too far apart of something.  It doesn't suit her.  I am not saying this is a great PV or anything.  It is a good Hello Project PV and my standards are lower in that category.  It is clearly formula, but they do a pretty good job with it.  Formula is only okay by me if I don't think about it.  Captain looks smexy (smoking sexy) here.

Forgive me Yui and Kaori for forgetting about your third single!  I'll never do it again.  Yes, it is formula for dummies, but it is freakin' cute and they mix it up a bit.  The sets look great, the lighting is nice, and they move the camera around a bit.  Their second single is still my favorite, but keep it up my darlings!
ももいろクローバー『Chai Maxx』

And that is how you do a low budget, formula, idol PV!  Boom shaka a laka!  When I first watched it did I notice, nope.  Why?  I don't know because it was pretty awesome that's why.  (Bought it!)  I think you can figure out why it works, and they don't even need more than one costume.

I think he is sexy (in dramas), but I don't like his attitude.  Oh if you are a foreigner and are heading to Japan before he leaves, you might still have a good chance of tapping that.  Promising. . . zzzzzzzz.  Oh wait what happened?  Nothing, okay I'll go back to sleep then.  There are some good things, but we don't see his face and it is BORING!  I get it, thoughtful/ gangsta, love song thingy, but you can do that and be as cracky as fuck.

Good things: dresses, use of color and saturation, simplicity, and cute little add ins.  Bad thing: this would be dull if I didn't like them so much.  Their voices are beautiful and their gorgeous, so I don't mind them just being pretty and listening to their honey smooth song makers.  Now, if you do like it, the simplicity works in their favor.  It isn't flashy.  It is clean, elegant, and lovely.  I don't want to change anything about it.  Miichan. . . okay all three look like perfection.
Not Yet『週末Not yet』

A in costumes.  B in sets.  C in make-up; we need to work on eye make-up.  WTF in back-up dancers.  Faceless, monster cheerleaders?  I find the song is pretty good, but this didn't sell it for me.  Seeing them perform in those costumes did.  So maybe doing something more like no3b did would of been better.
SDN48 『愛、チュセヨ』

First off, nice crotch shot there.  I think everyone and their mother noticed that little add in.  We get you guys are the sexy group.  Those costumes do plenty for it already.  No need to be desperate about it; we aren't Tila Tequila now are we?  Now I am going to watch this about twenty more times, good night.  JK, but this does its job.  It isn't anything out of the ordinary, but it sells the song.  The ladies are mesmerizing, so all they need it a little bit here and little bit there and they're good to go.  The only thing I want to get rid of is the naked dancing.  I don't care for it, plus they are holding their boobs the whole time.  I do like, now that we've heard and seen the second single, their style.  It would have been nice if CINDY was there. . .

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