Sunday, March 27, 2011

Update - New Features!

Minna~ How are you?
There are some new features in my blog.
Actually I've added it last week but I want to make it as a big update ;D
Here are the updates..

About Me Page
If you check on the pages up there, you can see a new button named about me. Just simply click it to know me more. "Where's the "Contact Me" button?" Hmm I moved it to a new place. Check it later.

New Poll
I make a poll between H!P Kids and Vocaloid. Every month I will update the poll. In the end of the match I will post the winner of each type. This Month's battle is between Buono members. Please vote ^^

News and Links Button
On the right top, I put a marquee buttons that have link to tutorial, request, H!P Lyrics, Contact Me, and Rule. H!P Lyrics is not available for now because I'm still preparing it.

That's all of the updates.
If you have any problem or suggestion, just click "Contact Me" button up there.
Thank You. :)

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