Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For the Love of AKB48

Some may wonder why a history PhD candidate and former attorney in the middle of the US and A would be a fanatical devotee of AKB48. Others probably just think I am creepy and avoid me. I try not to let such close mindedness stop me. I am devoted to AKB48 because they are sweetness, light, and all the beauty of human civilization in one absurd creation. Oh, and they care for and love every one of us.

Do I hear the doubts of unbelievers out there? Yes, my hearing is so good it can read your thoughts before you have then. Well, a certain amount of healthy skepticism is acceptable, but in the face of such overwhelming evidence, none can deny the love and beauty of AKB48. Here is the proof, translated from Watanabe Mayu's blog post from February 28, 2011:

Everyone, be careful not to hit your little toe on the corner of your dresser (^q^) (^q^)

Mayuyu loves all of us so much she is concerned for the safety of the littlest of our toes. She is truly an angel in human form. I urge you all to open your hearts to your true feelings and be careful not to hit your little toe on the corner of your dresser. It would hurt AKB48 for you to do so.

The blessings of Mayuyu be upon us all.

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