Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mina's Site Update & Random Thoughts

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is good.  I've been busy with school work and volunteering by fundraising for the Japanese Red cross.  Besides that the only big update about me is that I am making plans to go to Japan this summer.  I'll probably be staying for about two months (WWOOFing) from late May till late July.  I haven't decided where exactly yet, but I am excited.

Thank you to everyone who voted for this blog and Todd for the International Wota Awards!  We won both categories that we were nominated in!  I hope this will push Todd to post more because we all enjoy reading the inner workings of his mind.  Claire gets back in April, so I will pressure her to do at least one more post about her stay in Japan. I don't know what Kenta 愛 Tsuji has been up to, but I think I heard something about moving. . .

Now, random thoughts:
One of my friends told me over Facebook she has had trouble commenting.  I would say comment below if you have also had some trouble or still have it, but that wouldn't work would it?  If you've been frustrated by this, here is something to cheer you up

a tribute to fresh lemons...

I've been super impressed with the trainees and new members lately.  I generally overlook them because they can get cut.  I know they perform their own stage of B5, but I would like to see them perform either an old stage or their own stage.

Now somehow the previews for Morning Musume's next single can be easily cut together to form something that looks just like what the PV should.  Props to the person who thought of it.

I have already reviewed a preview, so my opinion as a whole hasn't changed much.  I really like this PV, a lot.  I like the set, the tons of colors, the random crack, the angles and pans.  The only problem is the styling on some of the girls is bad.

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