Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Does Mina Love Idols?

I had a hard time in high school.  I had a lot of friends, but no one I was close with.  I invited people to hang out and had parties, but I didn't get many invites.  I also had to deal with the falling out of my middle school friends.  I dealt with what most high schoolers feel: ugly, no one understand/ is like me, alone.  I like idol music because it is catchy, fun to dance to, and it is happy.  I feel like it fills a niche that the American industry doesn't.  Idols made me feel less alone, by either distracting me by entertaining me or by providing a bit of intimacy.  Japanese idols seem to exude joy and I respond to music.  If I'm pissed I listen to Limp Bizkit.  If I'm feeling sassy I listen to Katy Perry.  If I want to be happy I listen to idol music (including Glee).  &ct.  It has become somewhat of a hobby; I miss when I could do something like this for the school newspaper.  One thing I don't think I could live without is music.  (It was confusing when I noticed that there was some variation between the 30 day idol challenges that bloggers were doing.)

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