Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wait What? - The Twist In A Love(?) Song

What starts out as as a seemingly romantic song turns disturbing.  The title should of been the first indicator of the twisted lyrics.  A boy band telling their listeners to not spray perfume. . . okay you got my attention but not in a good way.  Hey, it got me to watch the video.  I watched the beginning without subtitles and was scared away by the members and their scary guy-liner.  (I mean one guy has hot pink hair and the other has a wig made from his shaggy dog's hair XD.)  Anyway, I also subscribe to a K-Pop subber on YouTube.  I was hanging out with some friends who aren't that into K-Pop (actually they aren't at all but I introduced both anime fans to idols) and I wanted to show them the horror show.  (They like man-liner more than I.)  Well, this time I got to see it with English subtitles.

The title began to make sense.  Oh, the girl's natural scent is good so she shouldn't put on perfume.  Kind of like telling her she is pretty, that is sweet.  But no, don't use perfume so my girlfriend doesn't know I'm cheating on her.  WTF.  It gets worse.  The boys are painted as controlling, archaic, egotistical cheaters.  Why would you have a boy band release this?  Aren't most of their fans girls; what do they think when they sing this in concert.  It has a nice beat, just ignore what they are saying (they are only there to look pretty).  I thought people should be aware of this.  (It is hilarious, but no one should buy this.  Plus, it doesn't leave the best impression of Korean guys (because my friends and I happen to watch a Miss A video where the guy cheats on them).

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