Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another Graduation Announcement for Morning Musume!

Morning Musume's leader, Takahashi Ai (24), will be graduating after the 2011 Fall Concert Tour from both Morning Musume and Hello! Project.  This is quite surprising, and not.  She has been a member for about 10 years now, and has been a leaders for quite a while as well.  She is also getting to her mid-twenties which isn't really a 'girl' time of your life.  However, most fans weren't expecting it because of the recent graduations, the addition of new members, and the fact that she is basically the lead-vocalist of Morning Musume.

I know that a lot of fans will be quite upset by this news.  The only sad thing for me is that Niigaki won't be leaving with her (as far as we know).  Apparently, this was spurred by Tsunku himself.  He met with Takahashi to talk about when she would like to graduate.  I am excited because this means Morning Musume is likely to develop a new sound. What I am concern about is Tsunku rushing another album out.  Their last album, in my opinion, was a disappointment.  Tsunku will either try to pop out another album or just stick with a single or two so not to overload the new members.

Leadership will be passed onto Niigaki, but here is the new question: Who will become the sub-leader?  There is only two 6th generation members who are both 21, Sayumi Michishige and Reina Tanaka.  Both have expressed interest in leadership positions in the past.  Who do you want to become leader?  Who do you think Tsunku will select?  Who do you think will make a better leader?

My first thought was something like a victory lap in my mind.  My next suspicion was: Is Tsunku that desperate?  He might have a plan for Takahashi as a part of Up Front Agency or something.  But my thought was all the attention the recent graduations got.  Just think about Morning Musume's most popular and well-known member.  They did get higher sales on that graduation single.

Overall?  I am content with this news.  The group has already done the first two steps I thought it needed in order to turn things around (new members and new leadership).  Maybe Niigaki will be more like Captain than a Takahashi.

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