Sunday, January 23, 2011

'Love Jump' by Team B of AKB48, another story of tragic love

First, I want to apologize for not writing enough for the blog. I was barely able to get out my New Year's hopes as I came down with bronchitis in November and was pretty much bedridden until just before Christmas. Even now I am not back to full health. This is by way of explaining why my comments on songs from AKB48's latest single are so late in arriving.

Today I will comment on the Team B song 'Love Jump.' This song is not my favorite of the songs released associated with the janken single, that would be 'Kurumi to Dialog', but it deserves comment because the pv is yet another gay love story from AKB48.

Ostensibly the pv is about Team B attending nursing school and graduating, but if one looks closer the video is clearly about the tragedy of Kashwagi Yuki's unrequited love for Watanabe Mayu. This important subtext of the video is not readily apparent upon a first viewing, but if one pays close attention to Yuki, it becomes apparent the video is about her love for Mayuyu.

Yuki's desires can first be noticed when she leaves the school and it is snowing out. She struggles with her umbrella as Mayuyu rushes by to play in the snow. Yuki stares at Mayuyu for several moments, clearly feeling her love for her friend that only notices the snow. Yuki's love is then put on display when she admiringly watches Mayuyu get her diploma. Again, Mayuyu's attention is elsewhere as Yuki looks on with desire.

Finally, when the members of Team B gather after graduation, they all get together to toss their hats into the air. Yuki leads the activity. She then watches longingly as Mayuyu picks up her own hat. Mayuyu, filled with joy and playfulness, is forever too distracted to notice Yuki is in love with her.

While the song is light and fun, reflecting Mayuyu's playful trek through nursing school, the heart of the video is Yuki's bittersweet looks of unrequited love throughout. If only Mayuyu could see the love in Yuki's eyes, maybe Yuki could finally find love in the arms of her friend. But alas, Yuki is left to stare longingly, forever alone, watching her love enjoying the world.

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