Monday, January 10, 2011

Berryz Koubou Concert Tour 2010 Shoka ~Umi no ie Otakebi House~ Review

This will be my first time reviewing and watching a full Berryz Koubou concert.  They are the only Hello Project group, now besides S/mileage and Mano Erina, that I have yet to watch a full concert of.  I don't know why.  This concert's album is a favorite of mine, but I do adore most of their music.  While, C-ute seems to be improving their single releases.  In my opinion, Morning Musume and Berryz Koubou are both hitting a dry spell when they release okay singles, but sub-par to what they've done in the past.  Since I am unsure how I will take it I will prepare you for both rating systems, and I'll just go with how I feel will give the best representation of it.   
♥ - Hate it
♥♥ - Don't Like it
♥♥♥ - Like it
♥♥♥♥ - Really Like it
♥♥♥♥♥ - Love it
☆ bad
☆☆ not good
☆☆☆ okay
☆☆☆☆ good
☆☆☆☆☆ Superb!
Maji Good Chance Summer
I adore Risako's voice!  I like Berryz Koubou style of wearing some-what normal street clothes.  You can tell that they were put together when they were young because now they appear a bit mismatched.  I am so happy that the giant got a make over and now stands center because just pushing her to the side doesn't work.  Is this an old song?  I don't know where this one comes from. . . I don't care.  Awh!  I love you Risako-chan!  What is her nickname?  The song is okay, but I wouldn't listen to it on my iPod to be honest.
Ew. . . those costumes.  Anything that isn't casual clothes they don't do that well.  It looks either Alice in Wonderland or Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.  From how they look now I would recommend they get a morning kid's show where they teach them valuable lessons with some random school stuff here and there.  However, when I consider their age I start to wonder if they should start to go through a transition like C-ute is.  This is one of those songs where there are elements that I like, and I think it is okay, but I still don't care for it.  To be honest, with their current image and everything I just don't see them being super popular or even growing in popularity.  I just see them stuck in their niche.
Koi no Jubaku
Risako is one of those few idols who can pull off gaining weight, do you understand what I am saying?  Most would lose their spot or drop in popularity.  However, (while I don't think the producers are happy about it) the only thing it has caused is that people (including Risako) are more mesmerized by her boobs.  : 3  I adore most of their old singles.  (Really embarrassed if this wasn't a single.)
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda!
Maybe it is easier to perform happy songs, but I felt like the performance was slightly better because it didn't look like they were just doing the bare minimum for a good performance.  Then again, I wish they did more (like play around with each other).  I've yet to see one of those delicious, unexpected, concert moments.
Yakimochi wo Kudasai! (Shimizu, Tokunaga, Sugaya)
Hphm. . . still no spark.  I spent my time thinking about pretty much everything, but the performance.  What I don't like is the fact that it is a good performance, but I am not enjoying it or getting excited.  I paid more attention to Risako's chest (and whether or not that outfit was flattering for her) and the audience's chants.  This leaves me with a feeling that I don't know if I like it or not.  There wasn't anything that I disliked, but nothing that stood out.  I feel like I should take away a heart and a star.  Then again, I feel like they deserve the credit.
Ground Demo Rouka Demo Medatsu Kimi (Sudou, Kumai)
While I do like this song, I wasn't impressed.  Thankfully Kumai has already gotten a much needed make-over (and she look spectacular).  Sudou could use one too because at this point she feels like back-up.  Kumai's voice sounds flat and doesn't do this song justice.
Ai ni wa Ai Desho (Tsugunaga Momoko, Natsuyaki Miyabi)
These are the best costumes yet.  The performance and everything is nice, but I still think they could do better.
Natsu Wakame
I like how they stuck with a theme.  Tsunku should really try to give them their own show, not a variety show, but like a drama.
Maji Natsu Sugiru
That just made me smile like a motherf*cker.
Natsu Remember You
Wonderful staging on this one. (A little too high for some people.)
Anshinkan (Shimizu, Tsugunaga, Natsuyaki, Kumai)
I like this idea of a medley because then you can get in a lot more songs without it getting to long or anything.  I wish they developed more as a group.  I adore their odd image they have now, but I fill like it is too young for them now.  I wish they tried something more mature like what C-ute is doing.
Passion E-CHA E-CHA (Shimizu, Tsugunaga, Natsuyaki, Kumai)
Momo has a great butt.
Fighting Pose wa Date ja nai! (Shimizu, Momoko, Natsuyaki, Kumai)
This is one of my least favorite singles from them.  But they did a good job with it.
BERRY FIELDS (Tokunaga, Sugaya, Sudou)
That was cute, but I kept on hearing 'they're so hot' or 'they're so hard' which doesn't make much sense unless there are innuendoes running wild here.
Yume de Do Up (Tokunaga, Sugaya, Sudou)
Done well, but pretty boring.
Toshoshitsu Taiki (Tokunaga, Sugaya, Sudou)
Now I don't like this song.  I really don't like this song.  Sorry girls.
Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance
This is so absurd that you can't helping enjoying it!
Seishun Bus Guide
sad face: What happened to those single costumes. . . i liked them very much.  The performance and vocals weren't as good as they've been in the past.
Ryuusei Boy
This was more on point.
Otakebi Boy WAO!
I think Momo and Risako are getting tired, they need a little bit of spice.  There it is!  God, I love Risako's roar.  boob touch.
Yuujou Junjou oh Seishun
The only thing I don't like is the chorus and that stupid, country-sounding back track section.  To bad they weren't like this when Digimon was awesome; they'd be a perfect pairing.
Maji Bomber!!!
They don't know how to dress some of these girls.  Besides, most of them look more Hot Topic (clothing store) than rock and roll.
Bye Bye Mata ne
If only I liked this better.  That was cute.  She lost her voice and the audience sang her lines.

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