Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hopes, Fears and Predictions for 2011


I hope that all will open their hearts to the love and beauty of AKB48 and experience the joy that comes with such openness. Peace will follow where the love and beauty of AKB48 spreads.

I hope that Akimoto Sayaka seizes control of Japan in a bloodless military coup.

I hope that Watanabe Mayu calls on me to give my life in the service of her whims.

I hope that Uchida Mayumi will allow me the honor of placing a light and respectful kiss on her cheek or upper arm.

I hope that the members of AKB48 form a labor union to eliminate the no dating rule and secure for their future a greater share of the surplus labor value generated by their efforts.

I hope that we will be blessed with sequels to 'Majisuka Gakuen.'

I hope AKB48 continues to have nothing but the best of success.


I fear that I will not be strong enough when AKB48 tests my faith and that I might for a moment doubt the inevitability of their ultimate victory over all the forces of darkness that plague humanity.


The leaders, armies, and nations of the world will bow down before AKB48 and peace and prosperity will finally take hold in human societies all over the world.

Watanabe Mayu will be glad she used my life for some trivial end, but will not remember anything more about me, not even my name.

Uchida Mayumi will obtain a restraining order preventing me from being within 100m of her.

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