Friday, January 14, 2011

So guess who's in Yokohama now?

Hello All!

So I will be WWOOFing here in Yokohama for the next 3 months! WWOOF [World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms or Willing Workers on Organic Farms] basically allows anyone to travel anywhere, and live with a host family for however long. All you have to pay for is a standard fee that gives you information on every single host in the country of your choosing. I of course choose to come to Japan, and after careful selection found my host, Kazuko Asaba. Kazuko is the owner of an art studio/gallery/class/cafe, so I'm slowly learning the ins and outs of each part. I'll keep you all posted on daily life and such and a bazillion photos as well. So expect to here more about that in the coming days!

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