Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Marippe!

I know I haven't been posting much as of late (what with the move and everything) but I figured today was a good day to start back up!

Today is the birthday of my favorite idol, Yaguchi Mari!

Marippe was one of three second generation members of Morning Musume. She was originally billed as "the short one" but quickly rose to prominence with her outgoing and bubbly personality as well as her entry in the first subgroup, Tanpopo.

She was quickly became a strong lead singer as well as a sub-leader for Morning Musume. After her scandal with Oguri Shun cut her run as leader of Morning Musume short she had already built herself up as a TV personality and after a public apology returned to the good graces of Morning Musume even performing with the OG and MCing at concerts.

These days she is still a common TV talent as well as an avid blogger!

So today is a celebration of superstar Mari Yaguchi's 28th birthday! Happy Birthday Marippe!

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