Friday, January 21, 2011

AKB's 20th and WH's 7th PV Review!

You are in for one emotional roller-coaster with this post.
AKB48 - Sakura no Ki ni Narou
After hearing the previews from the Japanese news programs, I was considering canceling my order because I want to save money (especially because of the new sub-unit Not Yet).  However, I wanted at least to hear more of the song before I gave up my first press copy.  It seems the PV was leaked, good timing.  From looking at previews of the PV and the song it may seem dull.  But they both surprised me. They are simple.  The PV is storyline-focused, so no dance shot.  The ballad is sad and emotional.  By the end of the whole thing I could feel the waterworks coming up.  Only Acchan, Yuko, Kojiharu, Jurina (anti-christ), Takamina, and Tomochin get most of the screen time.  They are all dealing (except for the demon-spawn who is already dead) with the death of a close friends from high school.  For something so simple they did a wonderful job keeping my attention.  I'll be keeping this copy, besides DIVA, Undergirls, and MINT will be returning.

Now let's cheer you up,
Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 - Valentine Kiss

This one is also simple, in idol terms (but not are bare-bones as most H!P ones have become).  It is made up of one main dance shot (with multiple angles).  A couple different close-ups of each member and one group shot.  You see the girls work in a chocolate factory and eating sweets during some of the close-ups.  This may be the cutest thing they've released yet.  The costumes are great and even fit the factory setting.  If you've heard the original don't be worried.  The back-track has been updated.  A nice little surprise we get at the end is that the lines that are usually hogged by Mayuyu are divided up to all the other members.  It then finishes with a little dance section and an adorable pose.

Screenshots for both PVs after the jump. . .

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