Saturday, July 23, 2011

Initial Feelings on Seeing God

Just time for a quick note here. I just got back from the AKB48 Seibu Dome show and I am exhausted. I left for the show about 2pm and I just got back to the hotel at just before midnight. I was wondering why the show was scheduled so early at 5pm. I was expecting to be done by seven at the latest.

The show lasted nearly four hours. The stage was a four story building of the outside of a school. There was an operable basketball court and an actual swimming pool on the stage. Some members rode in a giant play bus. Sayaka rode a bicycle across the stage it was so long. I had an amazingly great seat. I could see most everything well and often the ladies were quite close to me. I was on the floor of the arena in the first row of my section. Just to the right of my section was a smaller stage right in the middle of the arena floor. Walkways let the ladies access this stage and two smaller ones located behind me. Many numbers had some of the ladies on the stage near me, and everyone came fairly close. I trembled in the presence of my god Watanabe Mayu. Really, I had chills down my spine when I first saw her in person and realized the light photons that came from her flesh were directly stimulating the receptors in my eyes. How intimate.

This was a mega show with small parts from SND48, SKE48 and NMB48. There were flames, fountains, smoke, fireworks, and lasers. It was the most awesome spectacle I have ever witnessed. Several songs had more than a hundred ladies performing as all attending were involved. The encore included performing all of the Majisuka Gakuen related songs with the ladies dressed in character. I jumped and shouted with joy when I saw my favorite television characters dancing and singing before me. It was awesome.

This may be the best day of my life. I am certainly happier than when my child was born. I am much happier than when I finally killed that child (really, it was a great day. I had learned the child was the anti-christ and I had been in a seven year struggled for the fate of the planet. I finally did save the world, and it felt great finally ending that evil creature. It is a long story...). Only being able to speak to and touch Watanabe would have made the night better. Oh- to touch the hand of god would have been amazing.

I need to eat. I haven’t eaten since three. Well, I snacked on the candy AKB48 is flogging. At least it tastes pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. I have to buy it because it comes with a little toy and Watanabe’s picture on the toy box.

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