Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Idols' Sex Appeal and Other Topics

AKB48 and Pictorials
One thing I was excited about when I came to Japan is that I would be able to purchase magazines that AKB48 appeared in.  Besides Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko, most of those appearances are in clearly male-targeted media.  And for those girls who wish to see the photo spreads of their idols, purchasing a copy is not worth it.  Often in thick, guy manga books (way to thick for me to consider it a magazine) there will be a couple of pages and maybe a small interview column at the front.

However I got over the disappointment that they appear in men's magazines and not many female-orientated content.  I bet that is exactly why people think they don't have any female fans.  May I suggest a comparison?  Japan has a lot of boy bands too, which do you think has more of the same-gender fans?  Another thing that comforted me, is that the guys are also used for their fans' enjoyment (shirts with the nipple cut outs, cross dressing, tight pants, and other things). . .

'If We Aren't #1 on Oricon' Ultimatums
Two new idol groups have both used (or are currently using) this ploy to guarantee high CD sales.  This crosses the line for me between good marketing and abusing fans.  One reason why I still purchase the physical CDs (only Japanese though) is because they come with extras like with a DVD, a photo, and other things.  It makes paying the price worthwhile.   Besides, I want to support the artist.  Before I didn't think much would come of it.  However, NMB48's sales went up towards the end of the week and that rubbed me the wrong way.  I want my idols to deserve it, not pressure their obsessive fans to buy more.  Plus, it just provides anti-fans evidence that they aren't actually popular but their fans buy a ton of copies.  I was planning on grabbing a copy of NMB48's first single because the songs were pretty good and I was impressed by their first stage.  However, I am now on the fence by this cheap shot.  I know the girls don't have much power when it comes to these decisions.  It has also turned me against PASSPO.  I thought with their debut single release hitting number one that I should direct some attention to them.  But I think not.  It takes away the warm, happy feeling when they do succeed.  If they do hit number one again, it won't impress me.  I would actually be disappointed in their fans who are okay with being so obviously used by their management.

What Crosses the Sexy | Slutty Line?

I added this video to one of my PV posts and was wondering if anyone watched it.  And people accused AKB48 of being slutty in Heavy Rotation?  So what makes this video go too far (at least in my opinion)?  She is wearing more clothes than AKB48's Heavy Rotation and their swimsuit PVs.  However, like I've said before it is not the amount of skin showing, well not all the time.  (Dancing around nude or without covering up the main spots would cross the line.)  I wouldn't even consider the AKB48 PVs sexy, but fun and playful.  Well then what would I consider sexy that doesn't cross the line?

So what is the elements that cross the line?  I think factors that contribute is her 'sex faces' and skimpy clothing, but that is not the main issue.  The choreography is the problem.  In BEG's music video they had sexy dance movements but they were small sections combined with other good dancing.  Hyuna's non-sexualized choreography is her flaying about and hairography, using your hair to distract from poor dancing.  Sexy dancing is perfectly fine by me, you see a lot of it in BoA's music video.  However, Hyuna's is just vulgar.  She pushes her boobs together with her upper arms while shaking her butt.  She then does this move were she wipes her vagina, all you need is some toilet paper.  We have the chorus section which is just her shaking her butt at the camera and gyrating.  There are sections of her just standing in front of the camera doing 'oh look how sexy i am' face and other things during that (like the model collapse stomach pose).  She just looks like she is trying to hard.  I have nothing against being confident and sexy, but she is not doing it right.  Reminder, this is my opinion I am not saying Hyuna is a slut.  I'm saying that she is coming across, to me, in this video as slutty.

The Health Concern of Idols
We've heard about it when variety programs have tell-all specials with Morning Musume's OG.  There has been recent reports about AKB48 members becoming ill during fan events and concerts.  The top female idol group have it tough during their peak.  We probably don't know the true extent till it is all over.  (Morning Musume members talking about memory lost performing with a fever.)  So do we accept it as part of the industry trying to fill the demand, or should idols take breaks when they get sick to rest?  My concern is that being overworked will lead to bigger problems, or at least poor performance and more likely to become ill again.  Personally, I do appreciate them trying to fight through it.  However, when I heard about Acchan exerting herself to perform 'Flying Get' I wonder if I would be okay with her just sitting it out.  AKB48 is big enough that I bet they have substitutes prepared.  Mayu and Yui have filled in for Acchan while promoting singles.  I bet there is someone who knows her part.  I know it would disappoint fans during the concert, but they also care about their well-being.

What To Do About the Face of AKB48?
Maeda Atsuko, like I mentioned before, has a lot on her plate.  She wants to become an actress and she has started a successful solo career.  I think Akimoto should begin a shift, at least after the 24th janken single.  I know that is soon, but I'm thinking slow and gradual is better than all of a sudden.  The good news is that AKB48 is not as handicapped as Morning Musume is.  Acchan is only the face of AKB48 and AKB does not give too many solo lines to anyone member.  Takahashi Ai is basically the face and voice of Morning Musume, so Tsunku dug them in a bit of a whole.  Then again, Akimoto might have already started turning the wheels.  Remember Sasshi competing with Acchan in the blogosphere?  So who is best to move into the center.  We could move Oshima Yuko to the spot, at least as a transition.  Oshima Yuko is the second most popular and has proven that she can hold her own.  What Acchan has that Oshima lacks is a quiet, general appeal.  Oshima is a bit too goofy and loud to be the next center, plus she is closer to the age limit than Acchan.  Most of current senbatsu have their own character that is different than Acchan's.  Mayuyu is probably the best groomed to be Acchan's replacement.  She is younger, popular, and posses a broad appeal.  Besides, is it fitting to have an anime otaku as the center of a group with Akihabara in the name.  Then again, do we want to replace Acchan or should AKB48 take the opportunity to take their look in a different direction?  All I'm saying is the longer we wait the worse this might get because can you see Acchan's popularity decreasing?

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