Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mina's Favorite Pairing

I love pairings!  There are so many, but this one stuck out as the best.  There is so much footage and giggles when it comes to Arashi's Ohno and Nino's relationship.  There are plenty of small examples too, just looks or them messing with each other while other things are going on.

Other Pairings:
Matsujun and Leader
Tomo and Tomo
Sae and Yukirin
Mikitty and Yossie
Rika and Yossie
Manami and Mariko
Mariyagi and Yui
Acchan and Mii-chan
Matsujun and Gackt
Ayaya and Mikitty
Aibaka and Matsujun
Meetan and Manami
Yuko and Acchan
TwinTowers (Sayaka and Sae)
Tomo and Sae
Sasshi and Lovetan

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