Friday, July 29, 2011

Nerd Crossbreeding

OK- I have been sick this evening, which is probably a big portion of the mopeyness I was feeling earlier today, so I stayed in and was listening to a pod-cast interview of the author of ‘Panty Explosion- the Japanese Psychic Schoolgirl Role Playing Game.’ As the interview came to an end, the interviewers asked if there was anything he wanted to add- and he said he wanted to plug this show he was really into at the moment- “Majisuka Gakuen.’ He went on to talk about how it was basically his game without the psychic powers and they briefly discussed AKB48 and the upcoming janken tournament.

This is totally kewl for me because I am the one who introduced the author to ‘Majisuka Gakuen.’ I preordered the new edition of Panty Explosion and he was giving custom sketches away to everyone who preordered. I asked for a sketch of Gekikara from Majisuka and sent him a link to my blog post that raved about the show. He replied that it looked interesting and he would check it out. He also sent me a totally kewl sketch of Gekikara.

So, I am doing my part in spreading the gospel of AKB48 and the awesomeness of Majisuka Gakuen.

Link to the Interview

Skip to the last three minutes if you want to hear about AKB48.

Link to Atarashi Games

Their games are kewl for those interested in Japanesey things.

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