Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mina's 30 Day Idol Challenge: An Idol I Dislike

This isn't anything new either.  There are idols that come and go from my dislike list, mostly due to fake behavior.  This might be due to the fact that I'm from the Midwest.  In the Midwest we don't tend to be upfront about things, so I tend to read in between the lines when it comes to behavior.  It is the small things.  This is kind of crazy because I adore Maeda Atsuko who gets a similar personality description as Takahashi.  What I think causes the difference is Takahashi over doing the sexy/ confidence thing and not being herself.  I'm not sure, but she comes off conceited to me.  It doesn't help she gets a ton of solo lines.  The good news is she will be graduating but not leaving Up Front Works.  That means she will do some TV appearances, musicals/ plays, maybe release a photobook, possibly join Dream Musume, and if she is lucky a couple of solo singles.  The agency hasn't been doing a good job with their talent backed up from Morning Musume graduates, so I don't expect to see her around much afterwards.

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