Sunday, October 30, 2011

BAMF of the Week: Takahashi Minami

Takahashi Minami
Jeez, am I just not watching enough Japanese TV or something?  If you want to recommend one for next week please email me, evidence helps (my profile has my email).  This one is somewhat recent (it was brought up in a variety program) but a long-standing reason.  Takamina wears what she feels comfortable in.  She doesn't like going to public baths or wearing anything too revealing.  I'm not saying that everyone should, but it is nice to see someone stand up for themselves.  She doesn't make any excuse or blame something else for it; she owns it.  I love that about her.  She is more conservative but she doesn't make you feel like your horrible or wrong for not being the same way.  (I got some great subtitled clips after the jump for you guys to enjoy.)

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