Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mina's Back with her Top Ten Idol Ranking

I'm baaccck!  Thanks to having a set deadline because of midterms I caught up with all my classes.  After also getting over the worst cold I've ever had, as far as I can recall, I'm doing much better.  Since I still have a lot on my plate I spend every school night and Sunday in the library.  However, I need study breaks and this works well.  Anyway I got some stuff for you guys.  I am ranking my top ten idols of all genres (K-Pop, J-Pop, men and women).  I'm also starting a weekly series: BAMF of the Week.  Ideally it will be based on recent events, but if I don't pick up anything I'll use some that I want to recognize.  I'm thinking Fridays.  I decided to do it because it will be an easy way to keep blogging and I love me some bad-asses.  They won't always fit the general definition, but idols who do something spectacular or boundry-pushing.  Safe is boring.

1. Mii-chan (AKB)
She isn't always the frontrunner within AKB48.  She also seemed to settle for the comedian role within the group.  I miss her cute, cool, frontgirl presence she had.  That is what I get from watching her variety.  Put her in a single, concert, any kind of musical performance and she shines like she used to.  She is beautiful dancer and singer.  I think she should put her hair up more often because at the General Election she looked like perfection.  At the moment I just want to see her as and idol.  I'm not ready for her to become a comedian/ variety talent just yet.

2. Nino (Arashi)
The lonely, sexual powerhouse, handsomely cute, acting lyricist is Arashi's Nino.  I half loved, half wasn't too impressed, compared to the one before it, with their album.  However, one of stand-outs was Nino's solo which was absolutely lovely.  He is gifted in so many ways.  While I was in Japan my first host had a TV and Nino was on every other commercial break.  I never got sick of it because he was refreshing.  He got Oscar buzz for his role in Letters from Iwo Jima.  He has written music for Arashi.  He has a reputation as sex craved.  Maybe it comes from him being lonely, which is how he identifies himself.  Not to mention his TV personality is hilarious, sassy little bitch.

3. Narsha (BEG)
I'm quite anti-plastic, but I have a amnesty policy to those who are upfront about it.  It lets us know that they are not a realistic image.  Narsha always looks amazing, which mainly focuses around hair.  I worship her solo singles and her singles with Brown Eyed Girls.  Have you seen her hit that high note in Sixth Sense?  Damn BEG, that is why I desperately wait for your resurfacing.  I've watched some clips of Narsha on YouTube and I enjoyed watching her effervescence.  Girl, you fierce.

4. Acchan (AKB)
I was tempted to put her as my number one, but I didn't.  I just gravitate to her.  She is relatable, introverted, hardworking, and awhhh desirable!  I want to meet her more than Mii-chan.  I don't know what I would do if she wasn't center; she would probably be forever my oshi.  I am a bit disappointed that her next single sounds like another singer-songwriter track.  I am one for variety, which is why AKB is my favorite artist.  Infinite, well it is called a hyperbole, variety.

5. Riida (Arashi)
Ranking the rest of Arashi after Nino was difficult to say the least.  I almost had them all at number five, but I beat myself down because ties are unacceptable (if you've looked at number seven well then that's better than a four way tie).  Ohno is a great dancer, a wonderful singer, and adorably entertaining.  He is definitely one of the more American-guy friendly member (her fishes).  MatsuJun and Nino are both dedicating to getting in his pants, lolz.  I adore his rawesome, spiky dragonball hair.  Just look at his facial expression.  

6. Sho (Arashi)
I think the picture says it all. . . ok not really, I'm not that shallow.  I find it amusing that he is the rapper of the group and he is the one with the prestigious education.  My parents want me to attend Keio while I'm abroad, but Nanzan has a better Japanese and homestay program.  He is a good dancer and singer.  Plus, he has a belly button piercing.  He always does these over-the-top reactions/ facial expressions.  He is unfortunate when it comes to animals, with the exceptions of small, cute ones.  He reads the newspaper often, which is an attractive trait in guys.  Hey I like 'em smart.  Then again, with that body I wouldn't mind if he was dumb.  I give idols who attend college tons of points.
7. MatsuJun and Aibaka (Arashi)
Come on!  Aiba is hysterical (best person to watch for Engrish).  Jun is amazing in dramas and has a nice butt.  They are the weakest singers within Arashi.  I've been talking too long so I'm running out of steam, plus I'm trying out The Vampire Diaries to see if I'll dig it.  I can't even describe it.  

8. Sayaka (NMB)
I was skeptical when she was pushed as NMB48's center.  However, once I watched her perform Bird I was impressed.  I enjoyed it more than Takamina's performances.  She had an aura around her in their first stage.  I've enjoyed the glimpses of her in AKB48's single PVs.  I hope to see more of her.
9. Ga-In (BEG)
Meet the dark and sexy Ga-In.  Watch Brown Eyed Girls version of Gee and you'll see it.  She is a great dancer, one of my weak spots, that and being a bad-ass.
10. Takamina (AKB)
Wow, I know.  All of a sudden she has just been spectacular.  Before she was more of a comedian in my eyes, but she has been a bit more fashionable (without losing her personality) and has experimented with her hairstyle.  She is one of the best singers in AKB48, and she isn't a bad dancer to boot.  She has a complete package which is why she makes so many solo TV appearances.  I respect her because of her terrific leadership.

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