Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am a little troubled of late. I am a finite being and an imperfect being. While one dreams of having and hopes to achieve an infinite capacity for love, we often fall short of our goals.

I still meditate regularly on the meaning of a universe created solely for Watanabe Mayu. This world exists for her and we exist to love her, of this I am certain. I also know that Watanabe Mayu is so beautiful and perfect she wants us all to love and be loved as much as possible. Still, I am troubled.

As I have mentioned before, perhaps not here, I fell in love with Kimoto Kanon when, as the character Miso, she skipped away smiling after stabbing the greatest fictional character ever, Gekikara. I have a few pictures of Kimoto about my desk and I find myself squealing “Non!” whenever I see her immensely cute visage as I sit down to my desk to work. Her beauty brings me such joy.

The difficulty arises in that I am a finite being. Mayuyu would want me to love Non as I love myself, but I fear that with a finite amount of time in any given day that I am not properly contemplating my finite and insignificant existence as it relates to the perfect and infinitely beautiful Watanabe Mayu. There is so much beauty in the world and only a finite amount of time to appreciate it.

Mayuyu would want me to find peace and happiness, and so I probably should relax and enjoy. It is not as if some false idol would displace Mayuyu in my heart. I know that this world exists only because of her, and her centrality in existence would not change, even if my faith was shaken. Mayuyu is not a jealous god and if she can come to be more accepting of her fifth ranking, she surely must want me to enjoy the existence of Non, Matsui Rena, Uchida Mayumi, and all the others angels of the universe.

The blessings of Mayuyu be upon us all.

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